It’s 50-50 over a season . Alliance tends to win more at the start because right now
alliance racials are the best so the top rated players are Ally and they farm honor. As the season goes on and honor is no longer needed , Horde start winning a lot more and it evens out
That doesn’t say very much; after all, what are the measures we’re comparing against? Personal experience, again?
So… a Premade.
With a wide enough sample-size, I guarantee it’s getting close to 50/50, with minor +/- deviations for factors like Orc racial being nerfed and cross-faction guilds being a thing, etc. - typical things that happen every xpac. Numbers don’t care about your personal experiences and biases.
Historically, both Alliance and Horde have whined about their factions W/L (in every xpac), and everyone was equally convinced that their personal experience and biases amounted to definitively established - and statistically significant - facts.
I’ve said it before several times. When Gladiators, R1 players, Rated BGers queue for random BGs they are almost always in a premade. Since most of these players are currently alliance this leads to there being more solid alliance premades than horde.
It is a measure of my experience playing random BGs through every expansion except for MoP. I’ve done a lot of BGs and I’ve seen far more highly rated players in DF random BGs than any other expansion by far. It’s not even close.
Here is how bad it was in WoD. This is destruction warlock and brewmaster monk queueing duo as alliance in WoD.
Just for those who think things are 50/50 with all things being equal. Almost all rated players were alliance in WoD, similar to what is happening in DF, with DF not being quite as bad as WoD.
That statement is obviously accurate… because memories of personal experiences - coloured by bias and warped by the passage of time - are always accurate and very reliable.
The problem with using REFlex as a reference is it only records games you finish. Games you leave early don’t log at all.
I know a particular player with hundreds of consecutive REFlex wins but he also bails out of losses to prevent them being logged. I use REFlex mostly to keep track of what BGs give me the most honor (usually WG). Once I get CQ capped I stop doing random epics and only queue for Ashran to farm Nemesis or WG to farm honor. For those I want to win but I’m not there to win.
I’d hope I’ve established some credit as being an honest person. It was actually more than that since we didn’t start using reflex until after we already had a streak of several wins. We never left a losing BG. Why would we have to?
I don’t know if it’s a hot take or not but I’d love to see damage (and possibly resistance%) racials gone for the sake of balance.
On the OP, to me isn’t even 50/50 chances, because sometimes I get into a win streak other times lose streak. It mostly depends whether or not I end up landing against a premade.
I honestly hate to be at the mercy of RNG, and wish we had a true ‘solo queue’ for random BGs.
trying to farm honor on my horde monk and so far horde has lost 12 straight random bgs…
yet when i farmed honor on my alliance druid i dont think i lost a single bg lol. this is a huge problem. Because merc mode isnt even possible 99% of the time the npc is unclickable.
I basically only do epic battlegrounds because I feel like they’re usually more balanced. If you have a couple undergeared, less skilled or bots in a regular battleground, you will get stomped or vice versa. It’s not even a contest, while in epic battlegrounds, I’ve been part of comebacks and had them done to us.
Can we talk about bots though?
Yesterday doing the brawl, first game on my rsham, we stomp them with a 5 cap because they kept coming at us at Stables and ignored everything else save for 2-3 players who didn’t have a fighting chance. Huge “I think some were bots” feel.
I then hopped on my disc priest, played like four games and won zero. Two of them we got 5 capped, the last one I checked the third healer, 100% of their heal was on themselves save for some incidental AoE on others and basically only 3 people were in chat trying to call incs and stuff.
Once upon a time an expansion called Warlods of Draenor was released. With this expansion, human racials were buffed to a point no one anticipated. The result was a massive amount of players shifting to alliance to take advantage of these human racials. As it turns out, a shocker to many, PVP players like to take advantage of anything that can make them win even a 000000000000.1% more. The result of this change was hilariously lop sided battlegrounds/arena wins on a faction wide scale. Blizzard, who only realized after the damage was done (as per usual), could have just simply nerfed down human racials to deter future faction changes. But alas, the damage was already done.
Basically, BG’s have been a mess since the mass faction changes
Basically ur experiencing what Alliance has for nearly 2 decades in BGs, sure there was some back an forth but unless ur server was Alliance heavy u toke L’s.
Even after server merging happened it was still very horde favored. Sorry that’s happening to you.