Why does horde lose like every BG?

Good question :joy_cat:

They don’t when I’m queueing :triumph:

Play epic bg, horde usually wins that. Too many premades in random bgs for alliance. Lots of premades in epics also but they don’t have significant effect unless 15+ premade people get in.

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Exactly. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence (apparently).

Proof? Read over the posts in this forum. ~50% whining about Alliance always winning, and the other ~50% whining about Horde always winning.



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It’s possible that pugs are experiencing a greater amount of losses because they’re more likely to go against a premade than play with one.

Thus, the complaints that the other faction is always winning.


That doesn’t negate the fact that the door swings both ways.


If the door swings both ways, players who premade would somehow also experience a greater amount of losses.

This might be a pug vs. premade issue, rather than a faction one. It just appears to be a faction issue for pugs.

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I meant that both factions share the same experiences. PuGs/Premades aren’t exclusive to one faction.

Yes. It’s the pugs who are complaining.

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Can’t say for certain in every case.

I’m just bringing up the possibility that the issue might not actually be faction related, even though it appears that way to pugs.

I also would find it slightly odd if players in premades complain that the other faction is always winning.

Also, seeing as you edited your post and added more…

People playing in Premades aren’t likely complaining; however, you can’t just assume that the ones complaining are complaining because of Premades, either. Premades aren’t a necessary condition for losing. PuGs can lose against other PuGs just fine.

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Definitely losing more last couple of days. The very fast queues are also breaking up the sync groups on horde so we are getting like max 2 groups in sometimes not even that

I play characters on both alliance and horde and alliance has the better players, overall. This is non-arguable when you look at faction representation in rated pvp.

There are, of course, some good horde players and premades but there are fewer than alliance.

Horde does better in epics because when rated players to random BGs they don’t do epics (except to get a splintered shard, after which they stop doing epics).

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Momentarily. This tends to shift back and forth, depending on a number of factors.

(Edit: another thing to keep in mind is that it’s not really possible to say whether X or Y faction is better in BGs, seeing as BGs are random. Sometimes you get good players, sometimes you get bad players; sometimes you get geared players, sometimes you get under-geared players; sometimes you get veteran players, sometimes you get beginner players; sometimes you get PuGs, sometimes you get Premades - and this in every possible combination and to varying degrees.)

Right now, Alliance is favoured seeing as the Orc racial is no longer BiS for high-end players due to it being nerfed - this makes a lot of strong Alliance racials more appealing; also, cross-faction guilds, etc., have made it much easier to swap over to Alliance but keep playing with your Horde buddies. If cross-faction guilds, etc., weren’t a thing, I think you’d have seen a lot of long-time Horde remain Horde despite the Orc racial being nerfed.

Personally, I’m not a fan of these min-maxing types that gravitate from one thing to another, from one group or faction to another, all for a .01% advantage. They’re the FotM crowd. When the winds of change blow, they’ll bend like the reeds they are. Give it an xpac. They’ll be back.


Yes, it depends on how many horde preforms are running at the moment. PUG alliance vs. PUG horde typically is an alliance win, in my experience. There are some good horde preforms as mentioned above.

I record almost everything and review footage and use check PvP on stand out players on both sides. Trust me, alliance has players more invested into pvp in their overall population doing random BGs.

However, sometimes horde can have a good run.

Negative. Premades aren’t the only factor. That is grossly over-simplifying matters.

…And what does that tell you, exactly?

At the moment, I wouldn’t doubt it - especially given the fact that a lot of Horde faction-swapped recently; however, that doesn’t mean that Horde don’t win… and consistently enough, too, mind you. Just because there are more high-end PVP players Alliance side at the moment doesn’t mean very much where random BGs/Epic BGs are concerned. I mean, for instance, a lot of those high-end PVP players don’t even do random BGs/Epic BGs.

This is how it is all the time, for both factions.

I guarantee that a proper study, done with a suitable sample-size, would wind up close to 50/50 W/L for Horde and Alliance, with slight +/- deviations depending on factors in each xpac.

Again, in my experience, if horde is winning a BG handily it is typically because they have a strong premade on their side. PUG versus PUG, my money is on alliance.

Interesting, because in DF I’ve across far more R1s, Gladiator and, of course Legend (not surprising, lulz) players in random BGs than any other expansion by far.

And, when these players are in a random BG with their friends they have a significant impact. :wink:

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Perhaps, if you include epic BGs. But, if it’s just non-epic randoms… I highly doubt it is 50/50.