Why does horde lose like every BG?

Every match I play we win and it’s not it’s close it’s a crushing defeat. Did vulpera switch all the good pvpers over to alliance?


Vulpera? No. Night elf and dwarf? Yes.

It is rather difficult to win a random bg as Horde now without premading, in my experience. The quality of horde players in random bgs is… low. The top end of rated pvp is about 80% Alliance.


It’s crazy I mean like 90% of my random bgs are wins as alliance when it used to be the direct opposite years ago, horde used to stomp in pvp.


Only chance is to horde merc.

Cross faction BGs would help alleviate this issue.


Maybe i’m… a hordie?

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Cross faction everything imo

Funny thing is this expansion S1 I had a 42% win ratio as Alliance. The first month it was like 70%. But since this patch hit Alliance are winning again. Seems like at the start when honor gear is being farmed Alliance wins at the start of the season, then it tappers off. Be interesting to see if it goes like S1 again.

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I played with this little vulpera once. She was so good and super cute too, and we won. Maybe the 20s bracket is harder tho.

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I heard alliance was the PvP faction this expansion but I’m not sure if that’s true or not, I haven’t checked myself.

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It’s rough out there for Horde pugs.



Horde still win…it depends on the time you’re queuing.

Like most days the games i’m in tend to win more than lose but that’s the timeslot I play in (although today is an exception to that rule).

Ifn i queue outside this timeslot, there’s a higher probability of alliance dominating.

Anyways, that’s just my experience and it’s highly subjective.

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Let me in your games please

I’ve been put against horde that have been annihilating us with zero diff literally all day an I wish it could stop

I just want my honor weapons


I think there was probably an Alliance premade, so there were fewer spots available for Alliance pugs.


Legit, it feels like I can’t do anything unless I play my hunter because I can at least melt someone even if I get focused and annihilated moments later


Usually depends on the time of day, but my winrate is 50/50 overall, pretty much. Some days are worse than others, some days are better than others.

I will say prior to the beginning of season 2, I never saw a BG that wasn’t a complete stomp for one side or the other. That seems to have mostly evened out with the start of the season.


I’ve always played both sides, since Emerald Dream was a PvP server (my original server). The epic BG pendulum swings.

Alliance used to be THE epic BG faction for forever. They never lost, especially AV. For a while Horde has been THE epic BG faction. But right now I think it’s pretty much even. I solo-queue both sides and you just never know.

Maybe key players are switching sides, or playing more of one side, I don’t know. But some days my Horde (Ravenberry) can’t lose, some days my Alliance can’t lose. Sometimes neither can win.


The one thing that’s always consistent with randoms and epics is that the grass is always greener on the other side…

Here’s the thing: It’s not.

If you’re Horde, you’ll hear about Horde being all zug zug and useless. If you’re Alliance, you’ll hear about the Horde always winning.

Don’t get too torn up about it. If you’re not the reason for consistent losses (very few people are willing to admit this, usually it’s the grass is greener clowns in chat), then just remind yourself that you can’t be everywhere at once.

Also, Alliance has the most meta races and all the cracked Horde gamers play at night, so there’s your missing piece.


The problem is you’re only 1 out of 80 players in there. Even if you know every nuance there’s only so much you can do as 1 player. Probably the most effective thing you can do as 1 player is lead. Having an effective leader is a force multiplier.

I’ve led on occasion but WoW pvpers are notoriously uncooperative. I’m not willing to go through that. I just do call outs when needed and cover tactical things and blind spots and hope the other 39 on my team know what they’re doing.


The time i play it’s usually quite easy to get epic BG wins on horde, especially if I get in with the good players (e.g. SAS). Alliance side pugs are just not ‘enjoyable,’ 90% of the time… (cough)

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