My experience is about 50/50 or so.
Win 2 or 3, lose 2 or 3
This makes sense. I work from home so I play while I’m working and horde is so bad during the day. I’ve been scratching my head why, but if this is true it makes sense now.
You could be losing on either side, for any reason, and you’ll have people on your team whinging about the opposite side always winning.
It’s like a universal truth of WoW. Sometimes it’s the meta, sometimes it’s premades, sometimes it’s undergeared or clueless teammates, sometimes it’s a healer difference. They might be right about one or a few of these things.
But the one thing the sheep whining about the grass won’t blame is themselves.
If you’re one of the PvPers who wins most of their games (b/c of skill or premades or both), someone else has to be losing more than 50%.
We can’t all be winning most of our games.
Something has to give.
Doesn’t seem to matter. I gave up on solo queue because the horde dps in bgs were consistently BAD. Usually less than half that of the Alliance, making me do 50M healing for a loss. Fights drag forever because they can’t kill anything until I’m oom or dead. I can out damage a lot of them in resto spec if I have time to spam dps abilities.
It’s demoralizing game after game healing horde getting farmed. It seems to be that or premade with people that know how to play, with little in between.
I should save some of those screenshots. They’re pretty funny.
I did see a sort of explanation that made sense as to why the Horde do so poorly in the day. “For the Horde” is still kind of a meme. For instance, if you’ve never played TF2, but you’ve at least heard of it, you probably know about hats, sandvich, and pootis.
Likewise, if you’ve heard of WoW, but never played it, you’ve probably heard “For the Horde” once or twice. So the people new to the game naturally pick Horde, because it’s cool, assuming they aren’t one of the many boring shmucks who pick Human in a fantasy game (and elves are hardly any better don’t get me started).
Those people are either children playing on their dads account, or day laborers. Conversely, the Horde playing at night are gamers or unemployed or both.
God it’s just as bad in leveling bgs. Tried to help a friend in 59 bracket leveling his character and the horde can’t kill anything. Most alliance were at 500 - 700k damage. Most horde were at 200 - 300k. I did 2.3M healing and was dragging the alliance dps around the alliance team because they couldn’t kill me. The game before that in deepwind was the same thing.
The skill gap between ally and horde is decently large imo. It’s worked it’s way down from the top.
The change to pvp trinket bonus this xpac effectively nerfed orcs hard. Which caused all real pvpers to go ally this time. They get geared quick at the beginning of the season because they win alot , then they lose interest/arent as motivated later in the season and horde starts winning more. Not hard to see.
I just started doing 70’s today. It’s the same on both sides as far as I can tell so far. I’ve done merc and done regular and win lose both sides. Won an IOC on horde, won a WG quickly on offense on Ally, got destroyed on Ally in AV. Got destroyed in SR in WG on offense and half the team AFked out so I left too.
My ratios still about 50/50 I have noticed the Queue ssystem makes it hard as horde. Allaince will spawn with 4 healers and a tank and dps while horde is 10 dps. Or horde starts the fight with 5v10
Easy fix for this actually. When someone’s queue pops, the timer is like… a minute and 30, or 2 minutes, somewhere around there. If someone doesn’t take it, probably because they’re afk, that’s ~2 minutes you’re down a man. And if the backfill doesn’t take their queue either, then it’s ~4 minutes, so on and so forth.
If multiple people don’t take their queue, then you have what we in the business call “a situation.”
Just knock the time you’re given when a queue pops down. So if someone is afk, you’re only outnumbered for about 45 seconds, maybe a minute or few at worst if multiple backfills don’t join.
Better solution is do like Raids and Dungeons. Dont start it until both sides have 10 that say Yes
God no. Getting 20 people, maybe more, to all be at their computers to push a button? At least most PvEers do something in-game in the meantime of waiting for LFR to pop. Half of PvPers are off making a sandwich or tabbed out.
Better than doing a match 5v10 for 10mins and being GY camped
this is me im always snaccing
This suggestion has been made for years, and yet they do nothing about it.
This doesn’t really happen anyway.
In regular BGs you can be a weak link, especially if you’re a healer, but when you are in 40 man epics and are one of the few actually trying to win by playing objectives and still losing all the time it’s not a “you” problem. That’s just dumb forum trolling. No one person, no matter how much they suck, is going to cause a epic bg loss.
In regular BGs, yes. In epics? No. I wasn’t referring to epics at all here.
Then came an expansion called Legion where relentless stacked with hardiness giving all Orcs a ridiculous 40% stun reduction … and everyone moved to Horde