For me, it would have been when they got a second theme filled with almost all of our customizations so they can pretend to be Blood Elves/High Elves while playing Void Elves.
I would agree with this statement and keep discords out of it. But I made a post a few months ago about how dismayed I was about blood elves being copied on Alliance and received a forum suspension for it.
It’s pretty clear some of the high elf people are aggressive using discord to attack and while it’s upsetting it just makes me more resolute in my stance.
That’s not what people (me) want out of a sequel tho. Whether or not Arthas was the villain, I just mean it needs to tie in somehow.
It’s like when they did Kindergarten Cop 2 and it was basically a different movie that was only a sequel in name.
It’s all well and good to move the story forward but unless it’s grounded in something people have context for they just disconnect, which they largely have.
Look at WoD, new villains but based in the setting. Obviously WoD bombed, but everyone at least followed the story.
Yeah, not to mention we’re not the ones who brought it into this. I was curious as to what started the fire and lo and behold, out of nowhere, the discord was brought up and berated.
Although I think it would be more fitting if there was a toggle option for a slightly beefier troll model specifically for the green skinned Revantusk. Let me have vengeance for Zul’jin!
I really hope we’re listened to. Ogres, forest trolls, etc. There’s a lot of love for those communities and race wants. It would be a real shame if they were ignored. Especially since other big requests are now being given.