Why does horde hate Void Elfs?

Awe love you Starla :hugs: your posts are always kind and logical


Absolutely. They pretty much own half the Hinterlands by themselves.


I actually came really insanely close to buying a race change for my priest I was so sure after they used a forest troll skin tone as an example in one of the customisation examples.

I mean I guess it makes sense because all the skin tones are jungle troll skins but still.


I’m mad wowhead did that, so much unnecessary hype and confusion that could’ve easily been avoided.


There are green jungle Trolls though, no?

Don’t the Gurubashi have green skin, but are classified as Jungle Trolls?

Not the most shining examples of a tribe that would ally with the playable Trolls, but still.

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That shade is already available.


Ah, OK.

Wasn’t sure if it was or not.

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Horde has a band of amani trolls alied with them, let us have them.

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I’ve love playable Amani Trolls.

They should have been added to the game a long time ago.


You are kidding. Correct? Have you ever seen those “Highborne” elf request threads? The customization requests? The pandering that Alliance players create for their outlandish requests. Some are even requesting green eyes, blonde hair, etc, because they are descendants of Blood Elves.

Come on mate; Your comment alone is evidentiary support to completely contradict your prior statement.


Ofcourse you’ll love those trolls, but you’ll love to DC when Arthas comes to attack us.

It’s what I (Sledgehammer) use on my rogue who would be WHERE I PUT MY REVANTUSK IF I HAD ONE). It is… all right. Could be better.

Void elves already got this one

I’m here. In queer. I kill bosses and loot gear.


If some of the rumors I’ve heard about them are true, this statement alone is bound to trigger them into a rage. :rainbow_flag:


Kinky :wink:

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Neither do you hahaha

Yeah but that’s a definitional argument.

Warcraft really explicitly states what a Blood Elf is and what a High Elf is.

Anti’s are just like, “I’ve got a personal definition that’s important to me, let’s fight about it!”

I would argue its the opposite

Blood elves are high elves
Void elves are high elves

Its only those that want the silver covenant to be playable that disregards this fact to say its not good enough