Like I noticed this a lot. Horde people are upset or can’t stand the fact that Alliance got Void Elf. It’s condescending how they refer them as well such as “fake blood elfs”, “mutants”, etc. Yet, I hardly see Alliance players complain about the fact that the Horde got Nightborne even though they share the same body proportions as Night Elf.
I talked to some people (mostly blood elf players) and their counter argument was that Void Elf’s being accessible to the Alliance made Blood Elf less unique.
Why do you dislike or like the Void Elf?
the bigger question is why anyone should care what horde think
Cause it’s lazy they just copy repasted blood elf and called it a new race, every void elf is a wannabe blood elf.
Who cares what haters think.
I’ll give a crud about what they think say or do when they pay my bills 
I don’t hate the real Void Elves with the Void aspects and everything that goes with it but I do hate those fake void elves since Blizzard decided to give in to those crying for high elfs and destroyed the Void.
Most of ya’ll complain a lot lol.
It’s not that I hate velfs per say, just everyone who cried for YEARS on the forums about wanting high elf’s in the alliance and that was what they got, and I say this as an alliance main.
they are night and day differences. void elves got the same model, completely different unique and better hair styles. And eventually also got the option to look exactly like blood elves. Nightborne have a different model, have extremely limited options and were overall poorly received because of how limited and how much it doesn’t add up compared to NB NPCS. You will never mistake a nightborne for a night elf.
Your race is a faction of blood elf traitors at best.
At worst, the worst lore out of all the races.
I don’t hate the void elves… but the players and the threads they make can be cringy sometimes or spiteful if you see some of the things they want to take from blood elves.
Because the Alliance got their boys back under the right banner
They also didn’t bother to give the blood elves any of there hairstyles >.> the void elves just take lol.
I see it like this: due to the ever incessant whining of the alliance players over High Elves, Blizzard made a race out of nowhere to justify giving them the Blood Elf model without actually giving them high elves directly as a way to not piss off the Horde players (and contradict themselves since they already stated that high elves are technically part of the horde already).
It’s a dumb race with an even dumber lore created as a “maybe now you will finally shut up” from Blizzard that actually backfired and made the helf crowd whine even worse because not only they got the model they did not deserve, but they just want more and more, in fact it’s the only allied race to receive extensive new customization options when Blizzard made the core races “revamp” early in SL, they very specifically said only the core races were getting new stuff, yet alliance players cried so freaking much that they ended up getting more new stuff on their new allied race than pretty much any other core race did.
This is why I hate void elves, they only exist because Blizzard got tired of you guys crying on their ears.
I can counter that by asking why do the Alliance hate Void Elves? While I do think the Horde complains, I swear I’ve seen more Alliance complaining about them. 
The most controversial race request and controversial race added has a lot of polarizing opinions. Who wouldda thunk!
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Can’t be the worst if there is basically none lol.
They were on a rock. Now they are not. My VE blood elf themed was there right before liberation day. No chance of mutation. If it even does that…I mean even gul’dan’s special green kool-aid has better lore here lol.
HE even gets the often meme’d video clip “EVERYTHING!”. I am a bad boy, or reported anyway…so I can’t post it.
No, see. Vulpera have no lore.
Void elves have bad lore.
This is the difference.
I like the Void Elves, just hate the fact that they lack any lore. Blizzard had a big chance in 8.3 to include more of a story for the Void Elves with that patch since we were facing a Void God, and the patch was about the “Void”, but nope. There is still very little for the Void Elves.
They hate us cause they ain’t us 
More likely the Alliance got the more edgier emo version of the pretty elves while the Horde got stuck with the goody 2 shoes version.
I see Void Elves following Banshee Sylvanas more than I do Blood Elves…