Why does horde hate Void Elfs?

Well, void elves are literally that and you all seem fine with them. Besides, High Elves have been fighting with the alliance for years. They’ve had a role in several expansions. Some small, some larger. But they’ve been seen working with them. That is the difference, the fact alliance players can work side by side with alliance sided Thalassians, and build up that bond. That is why they deserve a place.



Well, that is where you and many other pro’s are on more of a disagreement. Most pro’s, such as myself for 1, didn’t care what they looked like, all we wanted was to experience there lore even further. Hell, make them look like a cross-over of a Tauren and Goblin, and name it a High Elf, and I’ll still play it. Because it isn’t the looks I am so concerned about, it is the lore that is the biggest thing.

Thanks Avarie.

From what little I’ve played in BfA, Horde are able to fight alongside Kul’tiran and human privateers. Does Horde get to have humans now too? Or does this race stealing work only one way?


I’d be soooo mad that they’d get muscular female elves while we didn’t though. >:(


I mean. Looks are important as well. You are playing the race, you want to enjoy the experience. I cannot enjoy the experience if I am looking like a pale, lanky night elf crossbred human. It just looks extremely unappealing to me. And though I like their lore, I just could not in good faith every roll a character if it looked like that

this checks out

Those are just pirates. They are composed of several races. Not really a Kul’tiran race that is helping them but a pirate group.

I’d take those models as an alternate belf model.


I dislike the males in that
But the females are pretty cool

Yeah, I would too! I really want some different body type options. That would be super rad.


What does that have to do with anything? There are tons of races missing. Horde doesn’t even have undead who were part of the horde before the blood elves.

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No it’s not. Your logic is that because a small minority of a group serves the enemies of the much larger minority that implies some sort of parity between the two groups.


600 comments?? this surpassed my expectations of 400. :scream:

They’re overwhelmingly human. Besides, even if they were just pirates and dismissed as small, that never seems to stop you lot from asking for high elves. After all, the handful you have is supposed to constitute a race despite the kingdom, culture and leadership of the race is Horde.


Those high elves that joined the alliance splintered off and are becoming their own thing. In thousands of years, if the splinter stays, their numbers would regrow, and they’d have an even larger political standing. This is like a North Korea South Korea type of deal.

Both are Koreans, both used to be united, but they splintered off, became different things. This is how high elves are as of right now.

all right ill try again for you

high elves have been fighting with alliance years for years?

Ha, Blizzard gives Alliance a claim to it every time they add alliance high elf NPCs/factions. You guys try so hard to underplay the existence alliance high elves. Be honest.

You and the other antis are the only ones putting that arbitrary “priority” label on it and only you guys.

You’re a wannabe blood elf if you weren’t aware.

The Fogsail Freebooters are exclusively Kul Tiran. The Horde race NPCs in their town are dressed as pirates but they aren’t called Fogsails.

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