Why does horde hate Void Elfs?

There is no stopping this.
This will keep going until the thread gets locked now.

Anxiety? over people talking about wanting high elves on a forum? Man. You got a lot of things you need to work on.

This would have been the better route. We could’ve seen the Void Elves develop and grow over BFA, developing these new void-customizations over time, only for them to be added in the Allied Race customization patch in Shadowlands.

I think people would’ve largely been more open to Void Elves, and reacted better to it. Hell, Blizzard could’ve added expanded Dark Ranger customizations to Blood Elves at the same time, so both races would have additional unique aesthetics.


Honestly, I hope the thread does get locked. All it is doing is going now in circles and everyone seems to be more in the mood of trolling each other out and gaslighting each other.

and then they decided to work with the horde to beat malygos and the lich king

their lore is debatable and subjective. you people also argued the portal keepers to a dalaran in the past was canon and we just learned from devs in shadowlands that the portal room is a gameplay device, there isnt a portal to the afterlife that anyone can just walk through as they wish open 24/7

they could have just let the kirin tor battlemasters stay in stormwind/org but it doesnt make sense lorewise like you admitted. just like the ones still there, she used to stand right next to that dwarf

but they removed them. that this is the best you can do says everything

This thread in a nutshell right now.



You were there when I called him out on the forums for lying about it. The actual incident happened in a private message in discord.

But on the forums you took his side and implied I was just playing a victim, so of the people I’d be safe sharing screenshots with, you aren’t on the list.


“Normal” skin tone? Interesting choice of words there.

yet you are a-ok with them attacking helfers. seems about right at this point.

Man, it’s been a while since we had a real ugly fight in a helf thread.

Who says you can never go home?


As for on topic things (I see I have a hidden reply and honestly don’t care what you have to say), I dislike void elves due to the lack of fleshed-out lore and void options I’d love to see.

I’d love to see starcursed hair, for example, and such like that. Rather than void elves just being turned into a blood elf copy. I didn’t like when they were added to the Alliance to begin with, but have to deal with it.

It’d be cool to see void elves specifically get more lore & nuance.


Where? Link if possible?

The portal rooms ARE CANON. (it was an even a major part of Elegy that portals can be used to transport people) The part that isn’t canon is that they are open 24/7 and that anyone can just walk up and use them.

As for the portal to the afterlife, that is also canon BUT not everyone can go in. From the looks of it you either need to know someone very high up(like Old Emma, who probably got permission from Genn to go) or ahem bribe someone(like say Grifftah)

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I guess you don’t like that actual Blood Elves had normal skintones as in Human colored skintones and you had the blues and greys which as I said you are really reaching to try and pretend you aren’t just another bargain bin wannabe Blood Elf.

You people started this and you specifically started it by talking trash on our Discord, next time shut up.


You guys started this when you started trash-talking high elf requests and made the discords. Reap what you sow.

Dear Mods, can you please just lock this thread… This is getting real ugly real fast.


come on, you can be a little more creative when trying to be toxic

try being less toxic then?

Oh, wow, what happened here? Mods might want to douse the trash fire before it gets further out of hand.

Fallyn is literally neutral on HE stuff.

If antis were problematic like what Avarie is describing or homophobic or showed their stances in other threads about representation I know Falls would not be okay w that considering she’s literally fought w Sanlayn fans who display those same takes / behavior and agreement on Sanlayn doesn’t mean she won’t call out bad behavior.

If you’re asking Falls to call out antis for arguing their stance on HEs no, I doubt she will just like she won’t call out people who want HEs for simply wanting HEs. The issue is there is a huge difference between actual bad behavior and people being offended our stance over pixel elves doesn’t align w their own.


Q: Regarding Portals in Stormwind/Orgrimmar - Can anyone just travel into the Shadowlands? Can denizens of the Shadowlands travel to Azeroth?
A: We always put portals by necessity for gameplay reasons, but by and large, those portals are meant to be a gameplay device.

***snippet from a dev interview with the lost codex