Your posts are proof enough. You are toxic, cause you came from toxic people. But I mean, everyone already knows this. Everyone already has it out with you, and everyone already knows about your awful discord.
Oh, seriously, STOP! All you’re doing now is making the situation worse.
From what I’ve heard it sounds like they have at least somewhat, but I’m not in there so I wouldn’t know.
I have heard that some of their less pleasant members have gone off to form their own “void elf” Discord though.
Lol, of course you think you speak for the rest of the forums. That says enough about your oversized ego. I
You guys continually post toxic, everyone knows.
Good. Let them show the people what they really are then.
Yup I’m so toxic because I defend my friends and my Discord against the lies that you and others spread against them due to us not liking or wanting the same customizations as you.
lol how delusional
You are legit pretending to be a wannabe me, so who’s the delusional one here?
No, all you’re doing is making the situation worse. You’re not helping. This isn’t a topic about who has the most horrible discord server.
Lies? You’ve just been proving my point time and time again with the way you’ve been behaving and the things you’ve said. In your attempt to defend them you’ve only helped defame them. You played yourself. Great job.
I was sexually harassed, and it was deeply uncomfortable and personal. Despite that I confronted the person, and he attempted to gaslight me. I have not provided screenshots to anyone actually, so Ponti and Fen don’t have them. They know I was sexually harassed and by who. That’s what you know. That’s what I stated in that thread. You don’t believe me, fine. But that says more about you than it does about me, and I’m not obligated to show screenshots of someone being gross to me for your satisfaction, thanks.
I heard they really tried to be better / are better, but yeah the more problematic people just made a new discord so same people basically.
Look if we’re going off-topic to talk about how much we know about Discords we’ve never been members of or spent any time in, are you around later to help me make some gardens on Animal Crossing? I want to make a giant hammer and sickle shaped field of red and yellow roses.
no one wants to be you sweetie
It’s not that I don’t believe you, the fact that you’re claiming I was active and supported the incedent is what I don’t believe. I honestly don’t really know what happened or who did it. And the moderation does have logs if I recall correctly…
Anyways, I’m jumping off the topic, this isn’t the place to talk about it.
My ignore list is growing so much, haha.
Honestly, this nonsense is amusing. People paint the discord to be some sort of brigading hellhole, meanwhile they’ve helped me through anxiety attacks led about by extremist helfers and their defenders who constantly support their harassment on the forums.
People don’t realize that random forum goers are flagging, and they’re getting silenced, because they’re breaking the rules. That simple. Otherwise, it’d be unflagged. Oh, and that ‘these people DISAGREE WITH MEEEEEE’ doesn’t equate to harassment. It’s called ignore and move on if you’re so bothered. I do it all the time.
Credit where credit’s due, though, the helf discord supported me during the horrid issue I mentioned, so I do appreciate that. I know there’s plenty of good people who love high elves & who are in that discord.
Unfortunately, the bad apples, as demonstrated in this thread, are the loudest, which leads people to not like the idea of high elves in general.
Yes, I’ll bring some shovels.
Really normal skintone, blonde hair color, blue eyes, sure you aren’t playing dress up while still being a Void Elf because I can post screenshots of where it says you are a Void Elf not a real Blood Elf or a High Elf.
I just realize avarie changed her avatar too this is like the other day when I realized fezzy looked different!