Why does horde hate Void Elfs?

im not disagreeing. i just like how they leave that part out

kind of like saying forsaken humans are human. ofc…just undead humans

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Although I think forsaken needs a model toggle to be of undead of other races too, like adding spices to a well cooked dish.

I’m just annoyed that Blizzard caved to the folks clamoring to play blonde hair blue-eyed xenophobes, instead of giving void elves more “voidy” customization. They add void elves to the game and then make them look as much like a generic and bland elf as possible :man_shrugging:


I don’t hate Void Elves. I have two Void Elves I play pretty regularly.

But I find the people who ask for more Blood Elf options to be cringey and needy. I was happier playing my Void Elves when they were Void Elves, not this weird, confusing amalgamation of aesthetics they are now.


I can’t help it, when someone says fabulous I have to post that.

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Because they want to control alliance player options. That’s it. Look at the toxic language and gaslighting arguments they use, just from recent posters:

Absolutely toxic and disgusting, but we can expect that behavior from them now. They are probably on their little discord planning their next forum invasion/harassment.

They’re mad because alliance ALWAYS had high elves. Void elves are high elves, it’s a physical, cultural, and political identity, like I am Jewish. These complex ideas confuse them, so they parrot the same lies over and over again.

I would feel bad if they weren’t so toxic. :woman_shrugging:

Your post is just as toxic and accusatory to be honest. I’m sad that you think I’m conniving on some discord to spite you. I don’t have the time nor the energy for that. I find it needy when players ask for options that Blood Elves already have instead of being creative enough to ask for new things. Recent threads have asked for Blood Elf players to have options removed just to be given specifically to Void Elves. Look them up.

Talk about toxic.


Gaslighting 101. Thank you for this free master class.

Call out your catty friends then.

Oh so we must cater our requests to you? Newsflash: you guys don’t own the thalassian aesthetic. Sorry :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Look through my previous posts- I have been right all along. Blizz will add more high elf options to void elves because they are both popular and profitable, no matter how much noise you make to try to convince yourselves otherwise.

Yea I’m a bit confused about the discord thing. Kinda weird that they would unfairly lump us into some category based on nothing but their prejudices. Maybe he/she is just rp’ing :man_shrugging:

Look through my previous posts. I am not the individual that you are making me out to be in your head so you can feel right about behaving so spitefully towards me. I hope you approach conversations better in the future, since you clearly did not make your post out of any good faith but instead, a reimagination of an old feud with other people on the forums that are not me.

Edit: Your profile is also private. I can’t look at your posts, even if I wanted to. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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There is an anti high elf discord that I was a part of for a while, but I left it due to clearing out my discords. I never really participated much anyways. I’m still friends with people on that discord. I’m also friends with people on the high elf discord. Seems weird that people will try to lump Horde players together. :confused: the most logical explanation is that said poster is trying to trudge up old drama.

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Feyrre, you’re a good person, but this isn’t helping. I never known for you to argue against anyone over these sort of topics.

Honestly, there is the regular people who gas light each other and be toxic towards each other. Yes, I admit, I have done it myself, but I can own up for my own behaviour and take responcibility for it. But the behaviour does come from everyone, regardless they want High Elves or don’t want them, or believe Donald Trump is there god or not. The behaviour does come from everyone.

That being said, Feyrre isn’t one to argue against people on there wishes. She mostly actually tends to maybe post once in these sort of threads then leaves the thread. Yes, some things can sound cruel, and I am not sticking up for her, but I am saying from what I have seen from her.


I dont think that word means what you think it means.
There was zero gaslighting there.

Your post was very aggressive and out of nowhere.
Even if there is a history, attacking people isn’t a good way to go about having a discussion.


I’ll take what I can get from you, Sara. :heart::sparkles: I am genuinely not trying to argue or start fires. I am trying to defend my character after I was represented dishonestly.


I think they’re just jealous.


They’re very mad that some antis and some helfers who got along in the old helf threads made a discord to chat.


Guzzle, I got a deal to make to you.

I’ll switch to my Undead if you become Undead! :rofl:

Then we can rule the world.

We should make an undead guild. :mask: mine needs somewhere to go.

I have a DK of most races.

The only Undead I have is my Hunter.


And isn’t she glamorous?

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