Why does horde hate Void Elfs?

The idea behind the picture is that the Blood Elf and Void Elf are almost identical, while that was the closest I could get the Nightborne and Night Elf to look to each other (except the eyebrows, that was an accident), and they’re still much more distinct than the other pair.

Result > effort

I can finally play a character I’ve wanted since Wrath (just with Void powers added in), while Nightborne fans get a model that just isn’t up to snuff vs the NPC model.


they love to gaslight. just look at how they frame things

they act like the fact that because a couple individuals showed up, were met with a cold reception and get mistaken for blood elves everywhere they go, that they have some kind of quantifiable existence


The Nightborne and Night Elf are pretty identical.

But once again… it doesn’t show what you think it does.

All it shows is they spent effort on the Horde side and not on the Alliance side.

Which I get from a development standpoint. What are you going to do? You give the Alliance a worse model than the Horde and they’ll be upset. Give them a better model than the Horde and the Horde will flip out. So you basically have to give them the same model.

That being said, the Nightborne model in Suramar is a cool model. Even if they’d added them to the game with that model they’d still be Night Elves. Pretending that they aren’t when you see Thalryssa change in cutscene is absurd.

But they didn’t add the Suramar model. They just used the Night Elf model… you know… and whatever it is they did with the male model.

This isn’t true unless you’re talking about males. Nightborne females are just Night Elves and if fully covered in armor are indistinguishable, obviously.

They really do love to gaslight.


“They love to gaslight!” > Proceeds to tell Alliance players that 17 years of World of Warcraft history and lore doesn’t exist.


Do you consider yourself a void elf or high elf?

So says the woman who has her hair done at Hot Topic. :thinking:

Nightborne are like this where it relates to Night Elves.

I identify as a Mythic + dungeon player.

But if I wanted to be a High Elf Blizzard says thats what the customizations are for:

Shadowlands Zones, Covenant Armor, and Character Customization Interview with Art Director Ely Cannon - Wowhead News

Ion said that they’re open to letting Void Elves be paladins. Since Paladins have been ontop of the leaderboards for Mythic + tanks and healers I’m looking forward to that High Elf Paladin action.

  1. who cares if it is tiny? Void elves are an even smaller one. 2) the collective race may have joined but that makes the high elves even more impressive becuase they dont freaking care what their kingdom wants and are more interested in their ties to the Alliance.

Do you think my nightborne should get druids and demon hunters and all night elf skin tones then? Not to mention.paladin if night elves get paladin…


You want my thoughts on it?

So, we had the Allied Race system that added really specific races to the game. Zandalari Trolls for instance.

Then we had the Shadowlands customizations that added customization so you could play a Wildhammer Dwarf on the Bronzebeard Race. Or a Forest Troll or Frost Troll on the Island Troll race.

Well, they put the option to play a High Elf on the Void Elf race through customizations. So that makes Paladins make a lot of sense for Void Elves.

But the Nightborne are supposed to be a specific thing. So, unlike High Elves where you’ve got lore spots where you see High Elf Paladins, Nightborne druids are pretty strange. They’re a real, “Hang out in the city and drink mana-wine” race. Though they got redeemed by that weird fruit tree, so maybe they’re gonna go back to being normal Night Elves over time, who knows?

I feel like Druids would be weird for Nightborne.

Now, Demon Hunters are just an elf that eats a demon heart or whatever. They’re elves. So why not? They should be able to be Demon Hunters. So should Void Elves. There is literally art of Void Elf demon Hunters in Hearthstone.

Now you could make the argument that Demon Hunters are kind of an individual person’s choice and so is being a Druid? That’d be a good call.

And honestly, I don’t care. Nightborne Druids don’t make a lot of sense in the context of the race, where they’re way more likely to eat some Demon Hearts, but Gnome Priests aren’t supposed to be a thing either. So, who cares?

Someone playing a Blood Elf or Nightborne Druid’s not gonna ruin my life. I don’t care.

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Thanks for proving my point.

I too like to build men made out of straw

VEs have extensive role play tools w two visually distinct themes.

Where as Blood Elves are High Elves so their additions to the main theme not role play tools.


But nightborne are night elves according to posters. If void elves can get paladins then surely nightborne can be night elves right? And get night elf classes and looks.

Our nightborne npcs also want hyjal and teldrassil.

Case in point, wjen I play my nightborne I dont think I am playing a night elf. I think of highborne. And the druids I think of botanists. Arcane druids.

Void Elves are Blood Elves so they’re also High Elves going by your reasoning.


Blood Elves that turned into Void Elves. Not the same as a name change for Blood Elves though.

Felblood Elves are a different race. So too are Void Elves.

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i cant tell by the different posture and upturned ears(a unique model)

also the male comparison
