Why does horde hate Void Elfs?

My nelves take offense to the comparison of nightborne and night elves. I only wish my nightborne could look as good as my night elves.

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You just reminded me about how awful NE men are. Jesus

Also, good job OP, 10/10 it might make it to 400 posts.

It’s a high elf thread. Surely it can get at least 20 more than that.


Firstly, no it doesn’t. The customizations are written as the void elves gaining more control over their abilities and being able to dial back more of the purple at will.

Second, High elves were never paladins. In canon. Even in the Sylvanas novel she saw Turalyon for the first time and was like “What’s that, a priest that hits things with a big hammer? Wild.”

If that’s what people want then they should make a thread and request that.

We can discuss it further but it’ll break down into a difference between lore and gameplay mechanics.


And when I play a Void Elf that looks like a Void Elf, then I think it’s a Void Elf.

But if I’m playing a Void Elf that looks like a high Elf. Then I’m gonna think it’s a High Elf. From both a lore and mechanics standpoint… and Blizzard supports that.

The Horde doesn’t have a whole lot of lore support for having Night Elves that aren’t Nightborne, outside of the dead ones. Though I’m sure there may be an exception somewhere.

You can roleplay whatever you want though. Blizzard hasn’t supported that mechanically, but, live your best life.



Mmm. Blood Elves typically have glowing green eyes, which is a bit of a magical change. But sure. They’ve also got some roleplay tools to look like they’re either uncorrupted or were High Elves. Most NPC’s at this point have gold eyes cause of that Sunwell though, playa.

I dunno. I took them to be Alleria style Void Elves.


Yeah. Exactly. If you know about the ear curve you can tell them apart.

I like that you’re arguing that the pose matters. :rofl:

I guess all Night Elves and all Nightborne stand a very specific way.

As far as the males go, they shrunk the arms. They don’t look like they’re from a seperate race of people though, which is the absurd argument being presented and defended.

I guess Anduinn isn’t a human because he’s got a unique model and stance?

Tyrande isn’t a Night Elf. Malfurion isn’t a Night Elf. Jaina’s not a human. etc.

I mean… Alleria thinks she’s a High Elf though.

They’re essentially a lanky NE wtih flipped ears…honestly the Zandalari are like the perfectly proportioned NE model.

God how to folks play male NEs :face_vomiting:

Excuse me? :smiling_face_with_tear:

It gave me a reason to switch sides

MY EYES :confounded: … well… eye… but OH GOD IT’S AWFUL

Firstly. No. The customizations are written as you being able to play the type of elf you want.

Check out the Blizzard response to the customizations.

Source - Ely cannon, Art director.

You just made the source of those customizations up from nowhere.

High Elf Shield Bearers. Paladin Order Hall. I’ve observed them in game.

Silver Hand Shieldbearer - NPC - World of Warcraft (wowhead.com)

Rulen Lightsreap. Silver Covenant Paladin Trainer.
Rulen Lightsreap - NPC - World of Warcraft (wowhead.com)

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It’s not like I can roll a nightborne druid and demonhunter and rp a night elf. My nightborne arent night elves and dont even speak the same language, nor are they interested much in night elf affairs.

Compared to void elves who can rp as high/blood elves, roll most of there classes, look basically the same, have the same 20 skin tones, and lorewise want to take back silvermoon.

Nightborne care little for night elf terriotories it seems. Nightborne just arent night elves besides borrowing the same skeleton.

Blizzard also gave vood elves blood elf hair colors. They only gave like 2-3 night elf hair colors. Nightborne also didmt receive the light skin tones, void elves got all 20 skin tones from blood elves.

Yeah. They just reduced the arm size really. changed the texture.

But they Left. The. Shoulder. Armor. Size. The. Same. :angry:

male nihtborne mogs suckkkk. So difficult. gotta find sleeveless stuff. The wide sleeves look terrible. it’s a mess.

My argument was that the situation of NB vs NE is not the same as VE vs BE, visually. That’s it. Nothing more, nothing less.

Do you have a source on this?


Ahh they cover their faces.

That’s just a part of my mog, not that I look ugly :triumph::triumph:

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