Why does horde hate Void Elfs?

Thank you for speaking on our behalf and giving us your opinion on what customization options are acceptable to you, random Horde Void Elf Customization Police.


So, are you actually going to point out where the Pro’s have been harassing Blizzard and where Blizzard has told the pro’s to stop?


They should have been high elves from the onset, the void elf story is dumb.

To all the windrunners

/cast BegoneThott!

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We don’t hate them. We just like to use better grammar and call them Void ELVES. “Elfs” is not a word. “Elves” is an irregular plural noun. Just like “potatoes”. “Elfs” is incorrect, just like “staffs” is incorrect for anything but more than one staff: A group of people. “We have two staffs working on that project.” The correct plural form for “staff”, aka a long walking stick, is “staves”.

Do better, people.


Because alliance got void elves.

Then started a crusade to turn void elves into blood elves.

Then declared themselves high elves and blood elves fake elves.

When people are condescending wannabes, other people tend to take endless pleasure in mocking and belittling them for being clowns.

Eminem made an entire song about it so did the offspring.


exactly, they should stay in their own lane and worry about themselves.

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Lay down the law, comrade moderator. o7


I take a break for a few months and see the void elf wannabes are still at it. And flagging posts again.

Still, I don’t hate void elves, I hate fake high elves that need to use macros to hide their true colors.


horde doesnt hate void elves that would be the only race on alliance many horde players would play. the people who are upset are those who wanted “high elf for alliance players” its best to ignore those people as soon as you see them you cannot reason with them.


I like Lor’themar. I especially like that he tried to defect to the Alliance in MoP and players call Baine the traitor, completely overlooking the fact the leader of the Blood Elves tried to bring the whole race to the Alliance but Jaina turned into a Karen and prevented it.

I see a ton of Horde players state they want to play Dark Iron Dwarves. Cross faction raiding might get interesting, because I bet a lot of players that normally wouldn’t try the opposite faction will, because they’ll still be able to raid with their guildies on their preferred race.

i never liked him he betrayed his king kael’thas and he told the secrete of how to take quel’thalas shields down during the scourge invasion to an elf name darkhan the elf who betrayed the elves to arthas and by extention getting 90% of the elves killed. so lorthemar should be executed for treason.

And that’s not even the only time he committed treason lol


there is many.

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Well Garrosh did essentially threaten to kill all of them so it wasn’t so much being a traitor as it would have been being a responsible leader to his people.

Although, yes, he and the other horde leaders who rebelled against Garrosh are all technically traitors.

He’s like that person in high school that hates their friends but is too afraid to hang out with other groups because of what their friends would do or say and they don’t want to be alone.

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Fact is, this game started in Vanilla with no High Elves at all. The original Warcraft games didn’t have playable characters, only factions and despite the Elven Rangers aiding the Alliance in Warcraft II, this assistance wasn’t reciprocated later by the Alliance, quite the contrary in fact.

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Lor’themar is a good leader and didn’t betray Kael’thas.


The only alliance friendly currently high elves is the silver covenant ones, the rest are neutral atm, or converting to BE’s.

The biggest reason would be the fact that Blood elves control the sunwell, the source of magic they need to survive on really.