Why does FFX1V get half naked transmogs and other things yet blizzard removes anything REMOTELY close to it?

Or common decency

warcraft is a different game with a different player base frequently with peoples kids playing and so on, sure - some more interesting mogs could be available in wow but in general the S&M and naked-mogs of FF do not belong in this game. Sure warcraft has its jokes here and there, but it it is a different thing and itā€™s ok that it looks different too.

I will say however, the world has changed with more openness and tolerance. I think the more productive area is having warcraft more character customization ā€¦ which is already happening.

Never realized it was common decency to push your beliefs onto other people and force them to wear clothing suited to your own strict code of conduct. Here I thought that was what indecent people do in oppressed nations.

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Letā€™s see, there are no nudes in FF, there are bikinis, and there is nothing wrong with wearing bikinis, if you teach your child that a person wearing a bikini is a bad thing, the problem is you, not the game. That said, FFXIV has a category of 16+ or T, so no children should play it, and yes, it is higher than the WoW category, that is 12+, but that age is the beginning of puberty so you should still educate your child on sexual issues and teach him what is right and what is wrong.

Now if you have a child under 12 playing WoW, that is not Activision Blizzardā€™s problem, it is your problem as a parent, the company and the community do not have to be worrying about the possibility that you are a bad parent and have a child playing something it shouldnā€™t.


Sure go out practically nude to the supermarket and see how that works out for you .

We have public decency laws fir a reason.

Nothing I seen in the game is anything worse then I seen when I worked at the grocery store. Actually seen a lot skimpier, only pasties for a cover. Your statement is fairly hyperbolic very few if anyone is asking to run around nude.


Who asked for jaina to be covered in hearthstone?

presses (x) for doubt

Remember, Azeroth is not real and these disingenuous false equivalences donā€™t make your argument any better.

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No, I nailed them down either way they tried to slide out of the argument. Theyā€™re wrong and I proved it by playing g devils advocate.

Ha, sure mate. Whatever you say.

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Next time donā€™t deceptively edit please

How do you conflate those two things?

Oh, wait, I know. You see other people being naked as permission for you to sexualize and objectify them, and you being able to wolf-whistle at them is also objectifying them. :roll_eyes:

Hereā€™s the thing, though:

  1. YOU CAN BE ALMOST NAKED IN WOW! You can hide the appearance of everything but pants, and there are some SKIMPY pants in the game. Also, we have half-naked bosses and NPCs.
  2. Someone choosing to be naked has nothing to do with anyone but themself. You choosing to be demeaning to people is not the same thing.

So, yeah, if you compare nudity in FFIV to WoW, theyā€™re pretty evenly matched, especially when you account for US puritanism. The big difference between the games is FFIV is a lot more welcoming to people expressing themselves and their playerbase doesnā€™t get on whiny soap-boxes about losing tools that exist ONLY to harass other people.

YOU are the difference between the two games. And yes, because of people like you, FFIV is currently enjoyed more.

Do better.

Donā€™t even need to keep reading. STopped when i see ā€œobjectifyā€. Yes let me guess half naked woman in games, anime etc are the cause of sexual harassment, wage gap and patriarchy and other nonsense to, right?

You should really read it then.

Once again, conservatives be like ā€œI donā€™t get it, are we supposed to force women to be slutty or to be proper!?ā€

I didnā€™t know anyone was forcing anyone besides the wearer so that has no meaning here.

and i am not a right winger

Well, thatā€™s the point. Being naked is their choice. Being wolf-whistled and cat-called is not. The two arenā€™t comparable at all the way you framed them to be.

squints are you though?

No. The point is if you have x revealing clothes and other stuff in game and you donā€™t like it since it is sexist or whatever nonsense you think it is, you do NOT have to wear it. same with the whistle and iā€™m gonna assume the succubuss will be gone soon enoough.

You sure seem to have trouble with comprehension here. Like, literally I visit nude beaches. I have no issue with nudity. And again, WoW and FFIV are very comparable in terms of nudity.

But the whistle is not something you do to yourself. The whistle is something you do to others. You canā€™t ā€œchoose to not be harassedā€.

Thatā€™s the difference.

There is no deceptive edit there, just pointing out your contradicting logic.

But canā€™t say I didnā€™t expect that from the same guy that started the ā€œsuccubus is sexistā€ thread. Getting lazy with your trolling there.