Why does FFX1V get half naked transmogs and other things yet blizzard removes anything REMOTELY close to it?

I agree. This analagy works well… 'No! Those women were abused! To best protect women we must now hide them so the men aren’t tempted anymore!

How about allow women to be sexy and sexual if they want? It’s not always for men; women sometimes like to feel sexy just for themselves. Pretty, feminine, masculine; it’s our choice and shouldn’t be the benchmark society sets for how women ‘respect’ themselves.

Better to teach men to respect a woman’s right to her personal space, her own sexuality and her right to dress and act how she wants.


A non problem that no one had with the whistle you just made one out of thin air.

Next please.

Oh you’re one of the “they said something that hurt my feelings, they are a trill” types

Don’t even know what that means, just sayin you use the same disingenuous false equivalences and contradicting logic there. Don’t know why anyone would take you seriously tbh.

I mean, I would think it’s common sense that Azeroth is a fictional fantasy world that can’t actually harm anyone in reality. But if you think differently then all I can say is, I hope you get the help you need.

Only women forces women to be whatever.

Beauty magazines are written by women.
Women sets beauty standards for women.
women determines what clothes is appropriate for women to wear.
Women decides which dresses are appropriate for which events, and whether or not another woman can wear it.

Save women by stopping women.

Wait… what.

Or you could stop labelling all women as a whole?

I know men who are nuts, I know men who are not. I don’t label all men based on that small bowl of nuts that I have encountered.

A lot of these “women” are bad actors, some of them are actual women with bad takes. And the sane bunch of us comes out too shaking our heads.

So please, think of that bowl of nuts analogy, plenty of us are tired of the few here portraying us as fragile snowflakes who are offended by everything.

No :triumph:

Ok so to the bowl of nuts you go!

Are they salty or sweet? I prefer the salty ones.

I’ll let you choose what nut you identify more with, I am not a monster!

They just changed the word “ho” as well in game. lmfao