Why does FFX1V get half naked transmogs and other things yet blizzard removes anything REMOTELY close to it?

It certainly is worse for someone like me.

I am naturally rebellious, I wouldn’t thrive for long in Japan, nor would I thrive well in America’s extremist-progressive society.

I just don’t do well with a totalitarian populace, nor states.

I’d like to know this as well. I have several slutmog sets and all of them are unchanged. And dead sexy.


To be honest, they haven’t removed anything, not for the players at least, they just stopped making revealing armor, and started censoring their npc models and art pieces; Sylvanas, Jaina, and so on.

Mine’s pretty tame compared to a lot of mogs. I usually wear a tabard but it was ToS weekend.

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How very bigoted of you.


because there is still no left hypocrisy invading Square-Enix

False. FFXIV pvp is bar none the worst of all mmos. WoW’s raiding and dungeons are miles ahead of FFXIV. I especially hate the boss fights in FFXIV raids how you are just in a square or circle and the rest of the room is darkened out. Not immersive at all as WoW uses the whole room on fights. Also, FFXIV dungeons are quick 10-15 min ones that are boring. Granted WoW’s dungeons have turned into 15 min runs also, but at least Vanilla, BC and then some dungeons the rest of the way (Waycrest Manor was awesome) were long and felt like mini raids.

Leveling, I would say it is the same except WoW has a better map system and a lot easier to get from zone to zone, although FFXIV has quick travel once you attune yourself.

So yeah, sorry but FFXIV is not leaps and bounds better than WoW as WoW is still better even with this expansion as being meh. The raids are still miles ahead of FFXIV.

You have the option though, it’s called unsubbing.

Where is the problem here? You are bothered remove yourself. Do you carry on buying the next books in a series if book one bothers you? Why should everything change for you? You do get the sheer amount of time it would take to program something this silly for someone who only pays about 15/mo?

I know though, you are the center of your own universe, but you need to realize when you enter one that other people share, your opinions are not the be all end all.


probably, i haven’t done pvp in FFXIV really

suuure :rofl:

Everything you say depends on personal tastes, I consider that FFXIV respects my time and does not have me spinning around the for nothing, also you have completely omitted the most important factor of any FF, the storytelling, this is one of the strongest aspects of the game, along with the variety of minigames, the housing, the RP community, the moderation of the community by SE to avoid toxicity, the replayable old content with very well maintained difficulties (nothing to do with disastrous timewalking escalation), and surely I leaving me something.

Also, I think I did not mention that FFXIV has in addition to the story arcs of each expansion a mega arc that has developed throughout the expansions, which will ends in the new expansion to come out, and that has all the fans crazy. Besides that they know how to make morally gray characters.

With no intention of offending I tell you that FFXIV just isn’t a game for you, but it can be for a lot of other people.


I wouldn’t be against more casual looks in both avenues. Some of the fan art and 3-D models I’ve seen posted have looked really good and would be nice to have in game.

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I remember it being discussed as far back as final fantasy 3 (6) that the Japanese have a more playful attitude toward showing skin than westerners. There were a few butts that got covered in American release on SNES as a result.

Thing is, it isn’t 1994 anymore, we can run around in our underwear in wow right now (and it isn’t hard to find short shorts for every armor type if you insist on an underwear mog). I can’t find any evidence anything other than some language/names are being removed, and language isn’t what we’re supposed to be talking about here.

So if they’re removing the skimpy mogs, then name them, otherwise I’m sure they’re removing nothing of substance (like an appearance, not a name) and it’s all a load of bs to get people riled.

Attempts at cleaning up their image after a scandal aren’t going to suddenly turn them into Scarlet Letter puritans. The fact that anyone would really think that’s what’s happening strains credibility. Meaning the entire argument just might be bait. Dammit.

They have had revealing armor. Some of the bfa pieces Horde side were at least.

They just need some better looking stuff. Some more casual stuff. And unlock the holiday mogs. That’ll give everyone year around access to the Valentines dresses.

Neither have Bojanglz.
Or many other FFXIV players for that matter, they all just spew the same thing. ARR bad, PvP bad, story gud, etc etc.

The story is quite good though.

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Wanna know another obscure fact? Osamu Tezuka, the Godfather of Manga and modern Anime, was potentially a closet furry based off of secret lewd sketches he had. I know, your mind is blown.

On topic tho, I really hope that even with the current circumstances with WoW and blizz, they still take notes from FFXIV with what it does well. When done tastefully sex sells, and FFXIV doesn’t discriminate so everyone is happy.

It also helps to remember the difference between fantasy and reality. Liking something like this in a fictional setting doesn’t automatically mean you are a terrible person in reality. That’s just a weird way of thinking.

And it only gets better past ARR. I’m in Heavensward now and it’s still has more of my attention then any of Shadowlands currently.

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That’s probably the minority of interactions. My friends and I have played for years and haven’t been forced into erp.

I don’t even know how you’d enforce that in a digital setting.

In any game online. Going way back to games first being online, there are people that have acted weird when they found out I was a girl. They are not exclusive to FFXIV.

If people act too weird in any game, I put them on ignore/blacklist.

It can and has happened in games where there is no revealing clothing or even female characters. Some people are just weird online and always have been.

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I’ve always loved that mog. I sorta have the same thing going on, but hate leveling my DK :wink:

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Sounds like you haven’t raided in WoW but yeah keep thinking FFXIV is better LMAO hahahah. WoWs raids/dungeon are miles ahead of FFXIV in that area (and other areas hence why WoW is #1).

Ummmm hence why I don’t play FFXIV lmao. WoW doesn’t sound like it is for you anymore either. Probably best you stick with FFXIV since you have those rose tinted glasses on.

FF14 is Japan.

WoW is China.

There you go.


The statement is more that there is no issue with it, taking a issue with it is ridicules. As to shield yourself from such things you must live in solitude or wear blinders. There is zero reason for people to ban skimpy dressing. Other then political or religious agenda.


I love your shoes, may have to get a pair (EDIT: or not, they’re 200k). I had trouble with clipping on the headgear, aside from that we’re twins. I originally got the leg plates from a crate in WoD and worked out the mog on my BElf but I think the gray is a better match for the blue skin tones. I usually have a sword and shield mog but random drops are random.