Why does FFX1V get half naked transmogs and other things yet blizzard removes anything REMOTELY close to it?

This is why most cosmetic mogs, even in SL, offer the choice of shorts or robe.

I am even surprised the Kyrian offer booty shorts as an alternative to a robe but, there it is.

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True it’s definitely subjective. I do believe that the dye is something that gives FF14 the edge though. It really helps create more looks with the same set. I think if Blizz would finally lift the restrictions on gear type and let us mog whatever we wanted, it would take trangmog to the next level. If they let us dye our sets then I think for me, it would be on par with FF14. We have the superior storage system here on WoW too.

Bluzzard lost about 6 million MAUs between 2019 and 2021.

Because they exist on Twitter where all the woke outrage exists they think appeasing those people is what will bring their numbers back to where they were in 2019. It’s a panic mode that makes no sense.

Their self awareness is gone. Just like the people who exist in that same echo chamber. That’s also why they are down on MAUs. They’ve alienated a good number of people over the last two years and probably more just from horrid design choices.

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Personally, I don’t understand the link between a game being fun and whether there are lots of skimpy outfits or not.

However, the skimpy outfits are also still in game (which is good. Clothing is not what causes problems and acting like it is would only show they don’t understand what they actual problems are). The brothels, the uh lewd literature, etc. are also still in game.

Personally, I get why they renamed Macaree, the Afrasiabi stuff and the Bros before Ho Ho Hos but don’t get what’s offensive about my sack is gigantique. Their approach to all of this seems confused.

I do agree with you saying none of this changes their harassment problems, but I also think not all of the changes are dumb regardless. Some are, some aren’t.

Also wanna add that “people” (in general) do not enjoy FF14 more. Some enjoy WoW more, some enjoy FF14 more, some enjoy both for different things, some can’t compare them cause they only ever played one of them (like me). Personally I’ll never play FF14 cause no matter how old Lalafells are supposed to be, I find them to be problematic (I know Tera’s Elin are worse but that doesn’t make Lalafells unproblematic).

how could they live without bikini Lalafells?

Japanese don’t have the media telling the audience how to think in that especific part, at least.

Maybe in others.

If Blizzard releases some new skimpy mog and I’d applaud them for daring to go against the puritan trend nowadays.

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The answer to both questions is “Fun detected”.

Blizz takes the stance that you can only have fun how they want you to have fun
SQENIX takes the stance that if its fun it must make us money somehow, and fully embrace the stupid sexy catboys.


It is worse than it sounds.

Many schools in Japan are so strict that even haircolour can be a problem. Everyone need to look exactly alike, from top to bottom, and that includes hair colour where black is the standard, and if you do not have black hair then you’ll have to dye it to avoid bullying or being treated differently. In some cases you can come with a message from parents, that explains that you have to be left with uncoloured hair.

Japanese culture can be extremely disgusting, in schools and in the workplace. It is not about a different culture, it is just being disgusting human beings.

Japan have some good things, but that part especially is horrendous.

America is going too far in the other direction, so neither is really better than the other, just two different extremes.

Mind you, not every school in Japan is like I described, but there is enough to make it a problem.

they don’t have a choice in the matter as part of the lawsuit

This game is made in Japan, which is sort of obvious in the way that younger female characters dress in outfits that remind me of something…can’t quite recall what. Anyhow, lets not compare that game to wow. I think all they have in common is that they are both MMOs.

I am SO uninterested in playing it and Im really over seeing it discussed here.


You can have the option to do as you please.

But let me have an option too if I prefer not seeing anything “naked”.

I find those transmogs not pleasant to even look at in 100.1% of the cases.

wow is 17 yrs old its kind of like real life 17 yrs later in life you seem to cover up more from to much mc’donalds. i honestly dont care what they do in games not like you cant go anywhere on the internet to satisfy your fetish. everyone knows sex and nakedness sell look at the internet and social media.

It’s virtue signaling and also a way to say to its stockholders that they are being proactive about removing “toxic masculinity”.

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FF has creepy players, which is why I had to stop playing. I enjoyed it for about a month (I loved astrologian :sob:) but in that single month people tried forcing me to ERP, started acting extremely creepy when they found out I’m a girl irl, called me names… It also doesn’t sit well with me that so many guys play naked female characters, and very few play male characters or at least female with clothes on. I like smaller mogs and stuff too, but come on.

Because FFXIV is a Japanese game, they have a different culture, tolerances and intolerances than us and they do not deal with or ignore movements that seek censorship because their culture and people come first.

well wow is full of that to aint one no better than the other when people find out your girl still in 2021.

It’s funny how there is a wave of sexual and gender liberation at the same time that there is a censorship that raises the “puritanism” because for some reason to see someone’s body and that you like it is wrong unless you have the consent to see it and that you like XD

like a good luking woman in bikini or man in sunga; how dare you look at him without his consent?

Blacklist, report.
Such behaviour is likely to get someone a temporary ban in FFXIV, unlike in WoW.

And herein lies the biggest problem with America and Japan, people care too much about nonsense.

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Just put tl;dr Japan is worse so i don’t have to read the rest of your rubbish.