Why does everyone play hunter?

Deletion is still on the table, Eb. Be careful how you talk about me! You overestimate how much I enjoy unholy DK by the exact amount you think I enjoy unholy DK.

Thank you Fairlight, I am a gnome. I will accept all gold on Eb’s behalf (but don’t actually send ty though!)

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wow, what a burn! If Eb had feelings in undeath she would be sad!

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MM Hunter and loads of fun. Having a mini-tank is very helpful.

For me, Hunter and Mage have the strongest fantasy element. (So do Paladins, but I disliked how they worked early on.)

(I’m also playing a hunter in classic. Need a pet to get distance for ranged attacks. Oh and the Blood Elf hunter armor is fabulous in classic.)

Since Remix I think I officially have more hunters than any other class. Idk I just like them. It’s not my favorite class (my favorite is priest) but it’s fun. What I enjoy most is hunting for rare pets….all of my hunters have a different theme for their stables and some are strictly one spec when I play them.

I play my Pally and Druid more, but I definitely have a Hunter Alt I play.

I like that they are a ranged physical DPS, as opposed to the other ranged specs that are Casters with Magic.

I have played a Rogue since Vanilla, so I like that they gave Hunters a form of stealth. Also, feign death is nice for surviving wipes. My Hunter is an engineer, so I can res the group afterwards if I can FD.

They have an interesting tool kit. The various traps are neat. Lust/ancient Hysteria. Decent AoE and ST options. Kiting. Turtle Shell helps ignore some mechanics with mobility - while Mages have Ice Block, they are stationary.

I am not into the pet aspect myself. But that is a whole mini game for collectors.

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I main my DK but my MM hunter is a very close second. I very seldom use a pet, it is fulfilling to know that you can do more damage then something controlled by an AI.

I normally only play hunters and warriors. I enjoy both, but when I am on my Hunter, I feel like I can handle more content solo, generally.

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Taming cool pets and fighting with them is fun. Being a dps class with a built in tank for soloing is always a great time. A bm hunter doesn’t have to stand in spot and cast anything, with full dps on the move. Basically, it has none of the downsides ranged dps usually has, with lots of upsides.

Lock is probably tankier than a hunter, but a disc priest will out-survive any lock spec. In the end though, a hunter is definitely gonna have more tricks and kiting ability than any lock. Especially BM. Mage doesn’t come close to either one. It’s why mage is by far the hardest class to play as a solo player. Any class that has an aggro pet will always have a far easier time of things in open world.

Ignoring derpthyr (since they’re too new), I’d assume that mage is by far the least played of the ranged classes. Well, outside of maybe ele sham since not many play sham at all these days.

I think the reason there has been a lot of hunter posts (and shaman posts) is that most classes got a big rework during the tww alpha. Hunters and shaman didn’t - their reworks came during the beta. The hero talents are a big feature of TWW - and there needed to be a few iterations to improve the initial hunter workover based on feedback.

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I like the pets and that for me, it’s a laid back kind of class. I usually play disc, typically in PvP; so being able to just flop around, tame animals, shoot up some things without having 10 angry dps beat down on me in PvP is pretty sweet. Did I already say tame cute animals?

Because Legolas of the Woodland Realm is just that popular.

Collecting cosmetics is the true end games. Why? Cosmetics are forever. All your gear will be replaced by greens in 4 months.

BM Hunter is arguably the best class for farming legacy content. High move speed, instant cast AE (ie Multi-shot can delete everything) and a pet for some of the harder bosses.

I mean, look at this cutey. Why would you not want to join the hunting band, get the pets, the fancy bows, the gorgeous ge…ok, fairly average looking gear, and go out there and shoot things in various part of their anatomy?

Its a no brainer. :sunglasses:

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The title of the thread is ‘Why does everyone play hunter’

The OP then states 3/4 of the posts about TWW are from BM Hunters.

I’d say the real question here is how can the OP get their perception so distorted that they flitter their opinion from one factual inaccuracy to another without stopping themselves to think critically if they are perceiving reality correctly.

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I wish we had more non-magic ranged classes or specs. Only having one martial ranged is so weird to me…

As for OPs question: Easy to play, gets cool pets, stealth, feign death, bows are one of the coolest things humanity ever invented.

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Just give Warriors back the ability to throw spears or use slings. Then they could stand off and throw things before they charge in.

I’m sad that we never got some sort of skirmisher spec of some sort. Maybe for Warriors. Axe or spear throwing and shields

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Hunters were a meme back in Classic because they were popular.

They’re easy, they’ve got a strong class fantasy and they’re still pretty unique since we’ve got a million 2h melee, a million dps casters and a million agi DPS, but only one archer class.

It shouldn’t be surprising that Hunters are popular.

I like my hunter/archer theme in games. Always have. Because of this, the first toon I ever made was a hunter and I’ve stuck with it ever since.

I like being mobile and I like collecting different pets to use.