Why does everyone play hunter?

I played in the old days when hunters were a meme. I’ve never had respect for them and I still see them as a cringe class. Get off my stoop! I’m not saying my stance is justified anymore but hey, I’m a crotchety old man.

I’m just blown away that 3/4 posts about mains for TWW are BM hunters. So many people play it. Why? I don’t get it. Help me to get it! Is it fantasy? The easy play style? The traps? The pets? Doing the whole rotation from 40 yards away while moving? Nostalgia for old hunters?



Why would I play my filthy unholy dk and deal with 8 cooldowns and track dots and dodge melee mechanics and have ugly character?

From the popularity of ret and bm hunter, I learn that people prefer easier specs without gross button bloat and convenient rotations to do optimal damage. Vs most bloated specs brewmaster, affliction, unholy dk, arcane mage.


i must be some secret hunter spec


Animal friends are awesome. Bows are also cool (and need to return to warriors and rogues).


I play since Vanilla… and yes Hunter.

One reason Hunters are good since a couple expansions is they excel in open world stuff. I can kill any rare that pops up as a DPS class. While on the other classes I play I have to switch into Tank spec… especially with low gear with the Hunter I can just let my pet tank the mob and heal it while I do DPS. You can do that as BM or as MM, heck even Survival can do it.

To be honest, what I don’t understand is why are some classes so dumbed down while others are so crazy complex? Just like you say here, if you compare Frost with Unholy in complexity it is night and day.
That said I find the difference between BM Hunter and Windwalker Monk quite extreme too. As BM all you really need to do is make sure you keep 3 stacks Frenzy using Serrated Shot and then keep mashing Kill Command. Before when you had to use Cobra Shot allot more because you didn’t have 2 charges Kill Command that resets so fast, it was more fun for me to play. Windwalker in comparison has a much more complicated rotation then that.


Because when I play my bm hunter I can do over a million dps during a pull with like 3 buttons.


Because hunters are cool and the rework is nice! Packleader and dark ranger could use some visual updates. There are some cool pets to be tamed too!

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This is why I think most people play them but idk, that’s why I asked

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Pokemon is the most successful piece of media of all time. People love their pets.

pair that with archer being a very iconic fantasy archetype (aragorn, legolas, robin hood)
AND it being one of the easiest specs

It’s no surprise that hunter and BM specifically are insanely popular


I main either Warlock or Hunter. My guild currently has 3 other warlocks and zero hunters on roster so I play hunter

It’s brain dead easy


Beastmaster is just a blast to play especially running dual pets.
Literally no other reason, for me, anyway.


Because out of all the ranged classes, it is objectively the easiest and most efficient/degenerate to play. It has the highest survivability and utility with the greatest mobility out of all the ranged classes. The stats don’t lie. To play literally any other ranged class you need to actually want to play said class. To play the game on faceroll easy-mode whilst watching Netfix on another monitor, you play a hunter. It’s been like that since 2004. It also is the best class in the game to play as a solo dps player. This is a huge factor.

Other than that, some people like collecting the npc pets.

In ranks of difficulty from easiest to hardest: Hunter>Boomkin>Disc priest (basically a cloth tank)>Warlock>Mage.


Easy class to learn when you want to do a lot of soloing because you’re work schedule is all over the place and your server is usually dead at 3 am…I mean easy class to learn along with warlock when you want to solo things.

Don’t like Hunters? Get off my lawn! :wink:

I play a BM hunter because I’m one of those people that likes to go around collecting pets. DPS, ranged, and all that is great… but my primary reason is to crawl through the wilderness and get just one more challenging tame. :smile:


How I feel about Paladins!

Everyone has a class they dislike, lol.

Anyway, the reason why I play Hunter- it’s the only class that uses guns. Permanently.

Also, I do it for the pets/animals.

I’m also a big battle-pets/Pokémon fan, so being a Hunter is a no-brainer for me.

It’s all about having battle companions.

I’ve dabbled in Warlock and DK too, but just not as much a fan as with my gun.

No class has as much expression as Hunters do, there’s so many damned animals lol.

I stick to using sea creatures, personally, because it fits as a KT.

I’m excited because TWW will finally have a sea slug model I can tame.

2199 different pet models/colors to choose from.

Do Warlocks have that many demons? No, lol.


They’re like weapon appearances to us Hunters.



Because they are fun and I can solo evey elite and most “rares” on day one of an expansion.


They are very easy to play and don’t require a large rotation of buttons/abilities to deal decent DPS, while other classes have to work hard and use a huge rotation of abilities to achieve the same result.

They also stand out in their potential in Battlegrounds, where they can easily deal tons of damage from a great distance (and maintain that distance with escape skills).

In summary: They are easy and efficient with few buttons, while other classes need many more buttons and effort to achieve the same result.


This plus pocket tank for solo play.

Hunter has no real downside other than the stigma.