Part of DPS’s job is to throttle their DPS if need be.
Oh, I do understand how it works. It’s obviously more complex than it is for a bear, but struggling to hold aggro is a player problem, not a class problem.
That’s actually the alt I’m leveling now. I wanted to give Fury/Prot tanking a try since it looked fun, and since I’m no longer healing for my guild, if I’m going to play an alt, it needs to be another tank.
I’m sure as hell not playing a Prot Paladin, so…
Because not every tank can just spam swipe.
Clean pulls > Slightly better damage
Druids are easy to tank with. Warriors are the only viable tanks and you have zero aoe tanking as a warrior. This person will learn.
I keep aggro even with the knock back. Maybe you should position yourself properly, or have a second tank on it.[/quote]
You are a idiot and lair… the knock back isnt a positioning problem. its a knock back effect that reduces threat by about 30-40% on the target that is knocked back… lmfao… way to try and be condescending know it all. and be wrong about it.
wow.gamepedia -dot- com/Molten_Giant
Note to tank: Since the Knockback is threat reducing, you might lose aggro on the giant.
GG… and infact everyone can see the threat meters and how high they are. and should be aware of the abilities of the mobs in the dungeon we are farming.
Why would you not have a taunt rotation for those?
It’s not the DPS’s fault they died; it’s the tanks’.
No… its the clothies fault that have 27 total stamina because everything they wear is " of frozen wrath" so they end up with less HP at 60 than my 29 rogue does. its called poor gear selection. surgers and annihilators both are spastic and randomly changing aggro.
They dont hit hard and we do taunt them… Taunts do get resisted there Captain elitism… try not being a egotistical douche when you criticize people falsely…
Next you will tell me its my fault there are 3 lava spawns up…
Druids have a much easier time holding threat over warrior tanks.
It is common knowledge that DPS with some gear can rip aggro off the warrior if they wanted to. It’s not like every warrior saying this is a bad tank, it is just a fact.
And not to mention rage in 1.12 was nerfed. Warriors always had issues tanking after this patch because rage was downgraded to scale with BC.
My favorite is the person who pulls aggro and runs away from the tank. If dps pulls aggro it’s generally a mistake, don’t compound it by making the tank chase the mob down.
… lol
Cool. I do enough threat to not lose aggro on the mob when it happens.
If I do, I taunt. If that gets resisted, second tank is there.
Except their role is DPS. They’re there to do damage. That gear is best suited to that purpose.
Your role is tank. You’re there to hold aggro on the mobs and not die while doing it.
If the DPS are dying because YOU failed to hold aggro, that isn’t their fault, it’s yours.
That’s why I said to set up a taunt rotation, buddy. Even when they do get their threat reset, several tanks hitting the mob will have no problem keeping aggro on it, even if one of the tanks’ taunt gets resisted.
Nope. That one’s all on the DPS, obviously.
I’m aware.
Warriors must take different steps to maintain aggro, is all.
Steps, mind you, that many are opposed to, such as dual-wield tanking as Fury/Prot. Tell people to do that as a Warrior tank and many of these old school folks will rush to call you a noob and say it doesn’t work… while simultaneously complaining about DPS pulling aggro.
I tend to agree. Unless it’s someone who can specifically kite the mob around, they should be running it back into the pack.
Got to make you work for your gold. If you can’t hold aggro off a DPS going balls to the wall. Get better.
In Classic, this is a sign that you’re a bad DPS. Because threat isn’t the same here. It is EASY to pull off an equal level tank no matter their skill level.
It most certainly is the case. Wait until DPS get just a little bit more geared, like Warriors for example, whose DPS will skyrocket and yours won’t. You will NOT be able to hold agro off them if they don’t want you to. Period.
Locks? At Naxc Lock’s will have to manage their threat meters, or they will just simply pull. It’s not a tank issue.
Whatever makes you feel better.
I hold aggro just fine, and that’s only going to get easier as the game progresses and I get better gear. /shrug
Why does the OP make so many QQ/troll/inflammatory threads? Seriously is there like someway to make them stop complaining all the time?
I hold aggro just fine, and that’s only going to get easier as the game progresses and I get better gear. /shrug
You’re a bear. You have the best threat generation early phase. This will change.
It won’t get better. It will get worse. DPS scaling will see to that, and you will see.
While the tps on fury/prot is solid, it is not ideal for tanks in the midst of gearing up for preraid-bis --Which, I would wager, is almost all of the tanks in the current phase.
If the healer isn’t having a problem healing who cares.
No, it won’t. Haha. Do you know anything about bear tanking? Our TPS scales much better than Warriors’.
Probably true. Just tank as Arms/Prot, then. It’s far less gear dependent, and it works really well in the current AoE dungeon meta.
That said, Skarm is a well known tank, and he’s playing Fury/Prot to farm his pre-raid BiS. It’s much better than playing pure Prot, for example, no matter the gear.
Its very easy to pull threat, especially if the tank is bad at holding it.
With the technique I described earlier I was holding aggro on 5-6 mobs at a time in LBRS last night.