All ur trolls are cringe relax dude lol
no it doesn’t, this game is not supposed to be a zergfest.
I’ve had dps getting angry for not getting the aggro.
The proof is in the pudding; groups can clear content in WoW Classic quickly and efficiently, and many do.
As for what it’s not supposed to be, well, Classic has opened many eyes to just how differently Vanilla could have been played back in the day. A very strong case could be made that “we were playing Vanilla ‘wrong’.”
You learned this because players were bad at the game and didn’t know how to hold aggro.
That said, changes throughout vanilla did make it somewhat easier, especially as far as holding aggro goes. Perhaps that’s where a lot of this misconception comes from. In the past, you very may well have had to hold back.
You don’t have to do so in Classic, because we’re better players and we’re playing on the 1.12 patch.
Well, if that was the case back then, it certainly isn’t the case in Classic.
And now in 2019, that player joins a better group and clears the dungeon in a quarter of the time you do.
He does triple your DPS, gets geared faster, and /laughs at you in Ironforge.
And yet it is. There’s a reason people are clearing dungeons quickly and easily using AoE instead of taking hours to clear a single dungeon and struggling with every pull.
Get with the times.
I’ve had dps that put on Righteous Fury or when I have all the aggro on the mobs they go and start attacking non-tagged mobs pulling new ones instead of attacking the 3 other mobs that were beating on me because none of them were giving them any attention.
This is the correct solution. “Oh, I thought you wanted that one to yourself”
It’s not wrong you’re pretty new if you think it is
No they are actually showing off their tanking skills. I just let people die when they pull and dont attack my target. If a hunter opens with a multi shot I let him tank the mobs, same with warlocks multi dotting. I let them tank. My runs are always good runs, because when I dont like what a dps is doing I kick them and get another, or else replace the whole group as necessary.
the favorite part of my day is watching molten giants knock me back and then go eat a squishy … dude its going to happen… stop trying to be up there so high…
that or the Lava annihilators 1 shotting some clothie that stacked +spell power gear so much that they only have 26 stamina and 2,700 HP raid buffed…
And down they go.
I keep growl on. I feel I’m doing the tank a service and letting them relax a bit.
This is unironically exactly why I pull aggro in many situations
Interesting how you project your failure to hold agro onto the DPS. Perhaps you should look into ways of generating more threat and being a better tank.
Which most often happens because of healers healing squishies who could not be arsed to pay attention to their own aggro.
edit: Good grief, why are people still engaging with Hawtie and Ohshiftson?
Then you’re a bad tank.
From the sounds of it, you’re not “letting” them. They’re tanking whether you “let” them or not.
You’re not tanking, at that point. You’re being carried. You might as well just stand around and let everyone else do the work if you’re not going to hold aggro on the mobs.
I’m sure you think they’re good runs, because you’ve never been in a group that does it better.
Or maybe you wouldn’t really consider fast and efficient runs to be better. There is a strange sect of the player base that thinks taking hours to clear a dungeon, minutes of prep to mark targets, discuss strategy, seconds to let the tank get aggro on each mob, etc, is the best way to play. Not only best, but actually the “right” way to play.
I keep aggro even with the knock back. Maybe you should position yourself properly, or have a second tank on it.
Why would you not have a taunt rotation for those?
It’s not the DPS’s fault they died; it’s the tanks’.
The former has particularly strong bait, and the latter actually knows what they’re talking about.
I have no problem holding aggro on multiple mobs, I just learned to move my fingers quickly. Tanks you gotta learn to play that keyboard like an instrument.
Berserker stance, berserker rage, battle stance, charge, if there is no mage with blizzard then thunder clap otherwise skip, demoralizing shout, defensive stance, blood rage, battle shout, start tabbing and revenging/sundering between all the mobs. Don’t forget to use shield block every 6 seconds, prevents a lot of damage and makes runs go faster since your healer drinks less. Reapply demoralizing shout as required. If a mob peels off then don’t bother taunting and building threat unless it’s heading towards your healer or a clothie dps. Let plate dps tank a mob it’s fine.
You need to press the keys faster and use some macros.
That sounds complicated. I’ll stack to bear and just spam Swipe, thanks. :-^)
You don’t understand how warrior tanks work. It’s not as easy as swapping bear and hitting swipe on multiple targets. Roll a warrior and try tanking without losing. You wont though.
Lotta lazy/new/bad tanks in this thread yikes.
Treat Tanking like PvP. The DPS is going to go HAM from the jump—just expect it, and play around it.
For large packs, place Skull/X on casters and focus getting sunders up on melee. You don’t need to hold aggro on every caster in a group, you can simply hold the melee next to the casters and everything gets cleaved down nice and easy.
The only mobs I’ve consistently had issue with are the ones in UBRS with fixate mechanics, or aggro drops—because these can occur more often than the taunt CD of 10s. Trying to get good threat on all 5 mobs in a pull usually just means you’re going to end up with poor threat on all 5, rather than really good threat on 3, and letting the 2 you don’t have threat on be the priority kill targets that you can effectively ignore as they get womboed down.
You’re making your own life more difficult.
Yep, i get whispers all the time.