Why does blizzard not respond to appeals?

I got a two week suspension that triggered a few hours into the release of SoD p2.

The email I got said that I did RMT. However, I know I didn’t do anything listed on the email including the RMT part, and I even explained that in my appeal and included what they may have thought was RMT that was not and provided what evidence I could out of game.

Does no one read these appeals? Or does no one care that a paying subscriber can be randomly cut off without breaking any rules whatsoever?

I’m now 6 days into suspension without a reason that applies to me and 6 days without a rep to see that it was a false positive. Isn’t this the whole reason to have appeals?

This flag makes me worried to ever trade gold/mail gold with friends cause you never know when you’re going to get a 2 week suspension.

I finally posted here because tbh I had faith in the system for a few days to fix their error.

Then I just canceled my sub because I was fed up with their lack of response.

And now I’m in the “maybe no one reads appeals but maybe people read forums” stage. Time will tell I guess, else my 4yr sub will close itself out and life moves on.


Thing is every apeal is looked at by a real person and it takes time they also dont take players word or evidence. Were you trading gold between live and sod by any chance.
You just have to be paitientyour ticket will be answered your not the only one apealing.


This was looked at - and upheld.

That’s why you received the template that you did.


You’re assuming this is what the trigger was. Looking at your posting history, you ran with GDKP groups. A lot of people have been dinged because the gold being traded around has illegal gold mixed in. It usually takes a little time for investigations to happen, so it is very rare that a sanction comes down from a recent event.


I appreciate that response. It eliminates some internal frustration. That should however be in the design of any requested appeal to state this directly.

A customer filing an appeal with logical evidence should not get a vague statement that helps legitimately zero customers understand what to do or not do in the future, or how to give the right information to remedy the situation.

The goal of any penalty should be to clarify and remediate to keep a positive community.

This current form is ostracizing strong community members who play within the lines (gdkp is fine in wotlk, trading gold between realms is unsupported but accepted in the policies) to help friends and build guilds and communities within their game.

This also confirms that Blizzards policies and statements are pointless (yours withstanding). When they have policies that tell players they can do things and then suspend for them, they need to either explain or rewrite their policies. It’s what people sub for. I don’t want rmt in wow either. Hence why I’ve never done it and wouldn’t.

I will continue to fight for an appeal based on this, thanks.


Just to touch on this: an appeal if for someone different to look at it again. IF there is a false positive, it will be overturned. But the simple act of filing an appeal does not mean it will definitely be overturned.

It sure sounds like you know exactly what you did. I mean, if you truly don’t know how this happened, how could you possibly have evidence to speak for or against it?

You got a response. It simply wasn’t the response you wanted.


You know the appeal is based on what they see in the logs. Not based on anything you say to them in the appeal, You do not get to state your case.

Only evidence they take is what is in the logs. If you did GDKP runs and came into gold from these runs that was stolen. Well that is what happened and why the suspension. Blizzard is taking a hard stance now on the gold sellers and making people less willing to take gold in situations like this for the fear of what happened to you.

Yes GDKP runs are allowed but going forward if you come into stolen gold in these runs your account next time could get a perm a ban.

Blame your fellow players who seem to love to buy gold. Do not blame blizzard for taking a hard line on them.


If you want to suggest they add anything to the template answers that they provide, you’ll want to leave that feedback in the General Forum, or by using the in-game Suggestion feature.

The goal of the penalty is to alter the behavior so it doesn’t happen again, and to uphold the rules we all agree to follow.

The goal of the appeal is to ensure that a mistake was not made, not to keep everyone happy. It’s natural that upholding the penalty won’t make players happy. But it upholds the integrity of the game.

It’s your right to continue to appeal until they tell you the decision is final, and further communication will be considered GM Harassment. But it seems like you will not be successful, based on the response you’ve received.


The appeal isn’t a court of law, you’re not going to debate with the GMs/appeal team on what or what isn’t against the rules. They’re only going to go by their logs. And the rules are vague to help Blizzard help when there’s something new that pops up that wasn’t there when they was made so they can mend the rules to include it.

That’s what the ToS you agree to. The penalty is when your break them. It isn’t a one and done agreement. They keep updating and ensuring folks re-agree to it.

No idea what you’re going about as Blizzard have if you do X, then Y happens and if you have a history of such, Z will happen. If the player can’t help themselves not to do something, there’s so much Blizzard can do until worse come and they have to close an account.


You are welcome to keep appealing until they tell you to stop, but you don’t set or demand the terms of how Blizzard handles the appeal.


The customers should have the ability to provide feedback that helps strengthen its communication with any arbiter or rules.

They don’t have to take them, but if they’re so unjust that everyone leaves their game because of it, then maybe they should listen to that feedback and not troll their player base(even if that trolling is unintentional).

You can post in the discussion forum closest to your topic. For this, it would be the General Forum. The moderators there take feedback to the developers for consideration. You can also use the in-game Suggestion feature.

Unjust would be not having an appeals process at all. Unjust would also be letting people break rules with no repercussions.

It is not unjust to hold players accountable for their mistakes.

The game is going on just fine after players have left for a myriad of reasons.


Problem is there is no place in the tos that was broken objectively. They subjectively flagged a person and then won’t objectively state why. That’s a problem. No trust gets built this way.

In regards to using suspensions to try to push players to not do things, they could say their intentions directly to the community.

That’s what a tos and article policies listed online are for. To help guide their playerbase and the betterment of their community.

In SOD they said, don’t gdkp or you will be banned. Guess what I won’t gdkp on sod any more. I disagree but I will follow their guidelines.

So people won’t try & rules lawyer the situation to their own advantage. Like you are doing now, I don’t have details on what you did and I don’t care, The Panda has seen the results and has stated it was upheld. You can submit another appeal or not, your call, if you want to argue or “Discuss it”, General is that way--------->


Says you. You don’t know where all of the gold you’ve received came from. Discounting the transaction between you and your friend that you’ve posted about in other threads, it only takes a single bad actor in the GDKP you used to run before they were banned. The bad actor forks over the gold to the raid lead, who then distributes it to the raid.

That is just one reason why there are unsupported services are unsupported. The risk isn’t just to the person who may or may not be scammed out of their gold paying for a run of some sort. It also weighs a risk to one who is receiving gold without ever being 100% of where that gold came from.

You took that risk, and like many other people who found out the hard way - here you are now. Now, I can be wrong and perhaps it was the transaction with your friend that dinged you, but just with the near constant folks we’ve had coming here of late - I’ve got a feeling this would be coming from the tail end of a GDKP investigation prior to them banning the practice.


I hear you and appreciate this explanation.

This type of rule interpretation leads to shadow bans on gdkp across all wow and I’ll post about that in general/suggestions instead of here as suggested.

Thank you for your time everyone.

No such thing as shadow bans as you call them. This has to do with possibly receiving gold that was stolen from other players accounts. This is blizzards sand box, their rules.

If you want to avoid these problems do not do gold trades between lets say people playing SOD and people playing classic or retail. Also stay away from GDKP runs.


No, it really doesn’t. First off, that’s not what a “shadow ban” is. But more to the point, you participated in RMT, which is explicitly against the rules. Did you intend to participate? Perhaps not. But you still did. And they explicitly told you that RMT was the reason for the suspension.

This is not an “interpretation”. This is 100% against the rules. GDKP’s are full of stolen gold, and while they may have shown leniency in the past, they are taking a much harder stance on it. Because they do not want it in their game.


Gdkp are banned in sod.

They are now, but I believe when they did this they had still been allowed.

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