Why does Blizz Tell me what is "fun"?

A penalty that’s not a penalty is pointless, no?

It really makes all the complaining seem silly then!

Timers are bad because they make the “filthy casuals” feel rushed, but apparently the “filthy casuals” aren’t able to realize that the penalties are extremely minor?

People quite easily talk themselves out of doing many things because of the threat of failure. It doesn’t matter what it is, it doesn’t matter how minor… for a lot of people, the mere idea of “failing” at something is off-putting. Adding in the threat of losing something for failing, no matter how minor or insignificant… well, people just don’t do it because they’ll be too antsy to do ANYTHING about it.

So it’s easier for them to not do it at all.

That’s anxiety for you… people’s own minds just turn against them.

The timer is not a timer of “failure” like how m+ is.

So that wouldn’t apply to anyone that understands Torments. Now factor in, that as far as i know, the Torments are not even active on the first 10 floors.

It makes the complaining twice as relevant. The only reason they were added was to curb waiting for cooldowns, which like I said, people will do anyways, therefore mission failed. All it does is make ‘casuals’ not want to run it because they think its timed now. Sorry that you don’t like that, but far more people will now just not do it because they think it’s timed as opposed to people who won’t wait for cooldowns. They have two options now, crank up the torments, making them so oppressive that nobody would be able to wait for CD’s, but doing so completely takes everyone but the hardcore out of even doing the content. Lose/lose.


So this is based on people not knowing what they are talking about?

I don’t find inaccurate complaints relevant.

And? Should I care? All this means is less people playing the game. That’s what you’re rooting for. And for what? A meaningless timer? What a waste of potential.


Let me get this straight.

You are advocating for Blizzard to listen to feedback by people that dont know what they are talking about, and basing their premises on non factual data?

Now I see why you and I always disagree. You are on the inside and one of those we players rail about.


Thats exactly what I’m saying. Again, you might not like it, but those are the people keeping the ship afloat. Can’t have a game without people playing it.

You’re missing the point.

They don’t need to understand the concept at all, the fact it EXISTS is what creates the problem in people’s minds. The mere idea of failing something eats away at a lot of people.

They’ve essential convinced themselves that they will fail… and as such, they feel they won’t get anything out of it. So rather than putting themselves through the torture and torment of doing any particular piece of content, they choose to avoid it altogether; at least that way they don’t have to go through a terrible experience to get nowhere.


This is absolutely hilarious in a discussion about a system tacked on to a system that the vast majority of people discussing have zero actual experience with.

I am not “on the inside”.

Ok. I will move on from talking to you.

I have never seen a single video game company rely on people making up fake things to give feedback about, things that aren’t based in reality…and a video game company listen to that as relevant.

Thats entirely absurd.

People only have the idea of failing something because they don’t understand the concept. If they understood what was going on, and dealt with the actual knowledge of the event…I feel there is a good chance the wrong idea would go away.

But the timer aspect of Torghast doesn’t even take place until you already get something out of it.

I feel like I am taking crazy pills.

We are saying that its ok for people to live in a delusional world. That we shouldn’t try to teach them, and correct them. Let them live in a delusion, and adapt to them intentionally going out of their way to be wrong. Change reality to meet their delusion.

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Because they’re the game developers and this is their game that they are developing. It’s the same reason why Shigeru Miyamoto tells us how to have fun with Mario and Zelda.

Nothing fake about it. This is how people feel, and they make their money decision based on that. If someone thinks they aren’t going to enjoy content, they won’t pay for that content, period. So once again, Blizzard needs to decide who it’s catering to. Do you add a pointless timer to curb behavior you don’t like, and fail to curb that behavior, or do you just scrap the system and let people play how they like? The timer is, as you’ve mentioned, not enough to be worth it, so why not just remove it? There’s really no other choice here. Torghast was the only thing pushing me towards buying SL, and now I’ve been pushed away. I know the timer is pointless too, but I’m just done with Blizzard ruining their own games.


They could maybe listen to the feedback from their alpha testers that largely mirrors the general consensus on GD: torments don’t achieve the stated goals and torghast is less fun with them than it was without them.


As always, you get a little too serious and combative. I was just having a bit of fun with you.

Sloooow down and smell the roses a bit. Life is short. Enjoy it. :smiley:

I didn’t say it wasn’t worth it. I think the torment system will be enough to stop people from taking 5-10 minute breaks every single pull. I was just going off of your premise. I find it odd to say “the torments are so minor they arent worth it” but then turn around and say “the people complaining about torments being bad are justified” Its an extreme view of holding opposite ends of the spectrum at once.

I feel like that was a rather neutral statement. :slight_smile:

So let them. It’s their decision to make and their time to kill. Blizz specifically said there would be no timers in Torghast, that we could go at our own pace. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that they lied to us again though.


Then don’t make it the most efficient way…Not by slapping timers on yet another form of content, but by making it so fun you want to keep going…Which by all accounts, is where the gameplay was prior to the implementation of Torments.

Yet another imagined problem and yet another overly-complicated solution. Just let people play how they want.