Why does Blizz Tell me what is "fun"?

So in a recent post, blizzard announced changes to Torghast. Ok, its Alpha, a lot will change… But as you read through the post there are two thing that annoy me. “This is not how we intended the game to be played” and "this is not a fun way to play."
Why when I pay to play a game, am I told what is fun and what is not? Personally I wont wait for my cool downs every pull, but if someone finds it fun, let them play that way. Personally Blizzard, I don’t find Rep Grinds fun… I don’t find Islands fun… But thats the intended way to play certain parts of your game…
Not that I feel you have cared in a long time, but here it goes- I love playing WoW on occasion, because it lets me get away from reality and stress. Please don’t try and dictate what is “fun” for me and others. There was a time when Blizzard would say, well that wasn’t intended, but people like it so lets keep it. I have purchased the next expansion, and will play it, I just hope you give me a reason to keep playing it. Let me figure out what I think is fun…
Listen to the Player base, instead of telling them what they should like and not like.

Edit: Blizz has redacted the “timer” from Torghast and has implemented a Torment system that scales as you progress. I think this adds an interesting way to help scale the difficulty, while not forcing a specific play style. Thank you Blizz for listening on this.


The point is that if waiting for cooldowns every pull is the most efficient way to play, people will do that whether they think it’s fun or not.


You could always go make your own game.


That’s never applied to any content before and could be said of any cooldown, now all of a sudden it’s a problem.

If enough people were doing it on the alpha, isn’t it also possible that they were simply trying to test the full effect of anima powers rather than intending to play that way?


For whatever reason, it appears Blizz has a strong dislike of emergent gameplay and lateral thinking. It’s either their way or the highway, it would seem. But yeah… this attitude is hardly anything new:

“You think you do, but you don’t.”

… well, at what point do people start thinking the open road looks better?


So let them. Most people will not waste their time like that. Over the years, Blizzard keeps telling people how and when to play their game and its getting old. Let players decide for themselves instead of having to walk on a very narrowly defined path that Blizz keeps designing for everyone. They need to stop treating the player base like children.


What post is being referenced where these things were stated?

If they don’t at least remove the timed aspect of it then I’m out. Torghast was pretty much the only thing left I was really looking forward to.


The playerbase has a habit of acting like children :man_shrugging:t4:


So let them throw and tantrum. Even Blizz wants to control that too I guess.

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It’s a theme in society now, the disempowerment trend.


People who use terrible mogs don’t know what fun is.

If people are feeling like they need to burn all their cooldowns on every pull, that might be a hint that cooldowns need a looking at.

For the most part if it’s not going to be significantly better to wait for cooldowns on every pull, I don’t see a lot of players wanting to spend half the time in Torghast sitting around doing nothing even if it is technically optimal.


Oh. This is about


:roll_eyes: Every single video game in existence does this. If you don’t want others dictating what is fun, stop playing all video games, and just go outside and use your imagination. That is the only time you will escape it.

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Maybe they should nerf the anima powers then and remove the cooldowns.

I disagree. When you get to the harder levels, the mobs are well. Harder. That means every advantage will help you.

If you option is “failing” or “taking a long time but succeeding”, people will opt to take a long time. Just look at all the threads about m+ and how people claim that spending 5 hours in a m+ to upgrade the key shouldn’t be an issue.

At some point when things get hard enough people need to accept they need to play better.

About damn time someone figured that out.

Building the game around cooldowns does not make for a good game… condensing all the entertainment into a tightly packed burst window only creates more tedium across the board.

Why not use your imagination in video games as well?


Because video games have limits. Because video games have a thing called “balance”. At some point things need to be balanced. At some point the limits will be met.

Every variation of imagination can not be implemented in a video game. Every variation of imagination should not be implemented in a video game.

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People listen to streamers talk and assume its gospel

There should be a point where progression is unfeasible, but they shouldn’t have to hurry you along to get there, that’s just lazy.