Why does blizz insist on forcing people to nolife WoW to get r14 gear?

I can see why you play on Grobbulus by the volume of your posts and the consistent low quality of them.

which streamer guild did you get declined from on all your 60s?

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lol. big tru

im going to guess staysafes guild. Ofc this gnome would follow another gnome.

Um, it isn’t hard to understand if you read the words and think about them before posting.

You can design a system that still requires massive time investment but allows people to spread out that time investment over a longer period than 6 weeks.

You don’t need decay or a bracket system.

It would be a different system. So it wouldn’t be the same as we have now.

But it is possible.

You are really getting to pathetic levels of cringe.

Your constantly attacking others with sarcasm, and name calling, is unwelcome. Surprised you’re allowed to even be on these forums.

Methinks you need a timeout.


As if that isn’t what everyone else is doing.


Just ignore him like he gets ignored in real life, there’s a reason he spends all day on the forums.


I’m just here to brighten your day sunshine.

so how long would it take time investment total in your opinion?


i did read them i was asking for a more specific… response…

no need to be rude bro…

Quite harmful to the community. People should be reporting this individuals posts, so as to better our forums.

Ignoring only goes so far.

Who’s the victim now…

if its so easy and your so smart… why don’t you design the system for them then present it to them …I’m Shure the biggest problem is them actually doing anything work wise to improve the game… it would be as simple as saying base rank earned by hk’s like Lieutenant General = 80k hk’s General 100k Warlord 200k High Warlord 300k something like that?

would let you earn them with no decay and you could see how close you are to next rank?

I already designed one and posted it…

There are probably 10 ways it can be done.

What is harmful to the community is forcing people to play as much as possible for weeks on end in order to get high ranks. Blizzard is effectively actively encouraging people to neglect their children and jobs in order to get the best pvp gear. It’s wrong and the fact that so many of you can’t see how wrong it is blows my mind. Blizzard should encourage healthy gaming lifestyles, not this game until your eyes bleed ancient ranking system.

Yep, Blizzard is forcing unhealthy gameplay to achieve R14.

No sane person who ever did R14 would disagree.

No one is forcing anyone to do anything.

You are forced to play unhealthy periods of time to get R14 if you want it.

So yeah the system forces it.