Why does blizz insist on forcing people to nolife WoW to get r14 gear?

“Remember to take everything in moderation, even world of warcraft!” so says the tip at the loading screen. Yet however many years after the absolutely heinous ranking system was invented, the only significant change to PVP blizz decided to make was to force people to nolife the game for fewer consecutive weeks.

I wish blizzard would realize the extent to which forcing people to compete to see who can q the most BGs per week ruins people’s lives. The ranking system remains heinous, and there is zero skill involved in achieving r14, it’s simply a contest to see who can be online the most. No real change to ranking means I will cancel sub because I don’t want to check out of real life for 6 weeks straight. I hate raiding and pretty much only play this game for WSG.

It is sad that blizz is trying to sell their old ranking system as something interesting that players will want to participate in, making blue posts about how great it is to compete with your own faction to see who plays the most. Literally everyone I know who has half a life outside wow hates the ranking system, please nuke it into oblivion and come up with something better, until then I am done with WoW.


Casual expecting to be handed gear quiting because they arent handed gear… Retail is that way —>


Oh look, another nolife basement dweller who thinks that his extra pvp participation should mean he gets better gear than everyone else. Real fans of pvp want equal gear for everyone. WoW pvp is for idiots who need to crutch on superior gear because they are incapable of winning on a level playing field.


I didn’t read the OP, but I did the Rank grinding in Classic, and it was incredibly unfun. I only made it to Rank 11 because of bracket breakers for 4 weeks in a row that would push the brackets so high my buffer was next to nothing. At one point Rank 14 was 1.3 million on Whitemane. The PVP system in classic is garbage and why it was tossed out.


Why do players insist that they’re entitled to r14? That’s the actual problem.

You could just pvp for the fun of it and get what you get. But instead you CHOOSE to go for the highest rank and then complain. That’s on you.


yes and no. the gear to stay competitive within pvp is Rank 14. Do you have any clue how un-fun PVP is when your gear isn’t progressing with the pack? lol

In my opnion… yes it’s a bad system, a very bad system to say the least. It was highly dependant on in which phase you ranked and on what server you were + if you premaded or not. The standpoint I made was that you could reach rank 12 solo as max rank on most full servers and r13, even 14 on some lower pop realms but only at the end of classic (P6) when no one cared.

So rank 12 should be doable by everyone with a bit of effort, rank 11 should be handed out almost freely this time around… does not make it enjoyable tho as it really is not.

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I agree that the rank 14 grind is ridiculous, which is why I never bother with it.

But if you make it easy, then everyone will have rank 14 gear. That’s no fun.

I agree it sucks… but I don’t really see a good alternative.

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There’s a reason the system did not go on with the rest of the expansions.

They instead rewarded talent to push for gear instead of time.

That being said, this is an old version of the game, along with a lot of the much long ago mechanics we do not see anymore moving foward.

No one is forcing you to rank. And with no resilience in Vanilla, a lot of the raiding gear can be strong and on par. You could always snag those instead for a power boost.

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Exactly this. performance based rewards are whats important.

Rank 14 climb is still toxic though it’s done in 6 weeks instead of 12 weeks.

Dont make it easy cuz its not for everyone.

Remember classic pre-patch tbcc? when you get r14 gear with honor and all the pve heroes that came out and ruin bgs for everyone. I remember and it wasnt fun.

Either put in the time for pve gear or pvp gear. If not dont cry about it and no free hand outs.


Classic or Vanilla WoW has never been about equality. Not in raiding specs, not in quests, not in classes, not in PvP.

There is a reason R14 gear is so prestigious and so highly valued. Just because you can’t commit to the grind of it, doesn’t mean it should be dumbed down so you can.


Why do people insist on trying to fight this battle? it’s a 15 yearold system and you still let it bother you. It was never intended to have everyone hit it. Let it go.


Having a job and life doesn’t make you a casual player. You shouldn’t have to give up everything and just play the game to get some of the rewards.

That is what the OP is saying.

You should be able to accumulate ranking points over time without decay. It should just take longer if you can’t play 18 hrs a day. It shouldn’t be impossible.

It’s only for people with no life and no responsibilities. So it is for children or people on welfare. It isn’t designed for the best players. It is designed for the people who literally have nothing else to do.

It really isn’t an achievement. Anyone out of a job and not in school can do it. Bots have even done it.

It is a joke.


Dad gamers who don’t have the time to commit to the grind and younger players that are used to buying everything with IRL cash who don’t want to put effort into getting gear/weapons.

The people that typically get R14 multiple times have a life style where they can set aside the time.


It’s designed for people who can just play games 24/7. It isn’t designed for good players.

Having lots of free time =/= good player. Bots have gotten R14 before.

Stop pretending you are better than others if you have the free time to get R14, because you aren’t.


If you aren’t a good player after grinding R14, there are bigger issues lol

I go to work and school and still have a life on weekends. You are just a casual because you dont put in the effort even when you are online and just want gear handed to you. RETAIL IS THAT WAY! ---->


Then you won’t be getting R14 LULW.

and im not complaining am i?