Why does blizz insist on forcing people to nolife WoW to get r14 gear?

Do you do agree with me then that not everyone should get gladiator, correct? That system is fine right?

It is a skill based system UNLIKE R14 grind.

Grabs more popcorn…

It doesn’t matter because they are 2 different games and 2 different types of pvp.

So tell me, it is OK that not everybody can get glad, and 2200 right?

You are proposing a flawed question that I’m not going to answer because it is STUPID and i reject it based on how STUPID it is.

Just answer the question.

I think you know you’re about to get aced.

Answer the question

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No I don’t answer childish questions that aren’t relevant to the discussion at hand just because some imbecile proposes them.

Sir this is an RPG, CS go is → way

Yup that’s exactly what I thought you’d say. Anyways these last few posts will be here for everyone to see your backwards logic. For all the forums to see.

You’re done here. Cross logic shown for everyone

R14 ranks are meaningless and don’t represent anything other than the amount of free time you have.

So the ranks should be removed completely and the gear should be made available as part of a long grind that lets you progressively unlock it over time.

The time investment should still be substantial. This will prevent many from getting the gear because people tend to give up easily. If there is something easier to get they will usually go for it instead. So they will probably still avoid the gear grind and just raid for gear.

This way people who do want to invest the time can still get the rank gear but at their own pace and on a schedule that fits their lifestyle.

True. Normal sane people know it is a bad system. Only trolls or dumb people argue it is fine.

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The last time i checked, people are still playing classic forever. Guild wars 2 is also just that introducing new content, but no new content that wipes out exisiting one and forces players to regrind.

Playing PhReSh is essentially the same thing doing except you are redoing all content again, and again, and again. Classic forever just does it better because you can choose to do content u want to already, And I hard disagree with you right there.


I’m a full-time high-school English teacher, and I managed to get to get three characters to R12, 13, and 14 (Not during the summer break, either)

It’s a big time investment, but it can be done.

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This kinda speaks volumes about the education system in your country. LUL.

I’m not an American.

I have one of the heaviest workloads in our department, teaching our university-bound students and more academic kids.

I actually should revise my statement - last year when I did these things I was .8 of full time rather than actually full time.

‘forcing’ lol. The fact that you feel forced, just means you’re entitled.


Dude your view of this is ridiculous. If you’re a good player playing with good people wouldn’t you more likely win?! And winning gives you moooooorrrrree… honor points right?

So basically what you’re saying is “oh daddy blizz, just give me all the rank 14 gear cus I deserve it.”

Meanwhile there would be no chance of you getting anyways.

It’s a goal. A goal in a game to achieve…. Go figure games have goals and it isn’t retail movie time.


Don’t blame Blizzard. Blame the sweatlords.


That’s what I used to say before I got R14.

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Sucks for you guys then. Playing a video game for fun is much more enjoyable than playing it like it’s your job.