I don’t care about PVP - my last achievement for getting x amount of HKs was in 2008. I don’t care about high keys - mythics are incredibly boring and repetitive to me. Spam the same dungeons over and over for literally weeks on end? No thank you!
I have a raid guild that raids at the unusual time of day I need it to (7pm UK time - there’s only a handful of guilds across the US servers who raid at that time, and the Horde ones tend to be military focused. As a non-US civilian there is nothing more boring than a bunch of military people talking about their jobs in guild chat using slang and terminology you don’t understand).
I do, however, like being female draenei. We’re hot. Sorry for your lot, horde.
I think it’s because they subtly merged a bunch of servers without notifying anyone. All the horde I see on Stormrage are from other realms, and on Proudmoore there’s suddenly people from like 5 other servers just chilling in the AH in Stormwind, including Hyjal.
Not enough reasons for the top tier players to switch over to the Alliance. Horde is where the game is, you have been abandoned by the developers way too soon and when they finally realized their mistake, they gave one of the most unpopular races some great racials and yet nobody wants to play them. This is how much of a damage your race is to the game. But it’s not your fault, the developers had plenty of great races to pick from. They simply chose something wrong.
While there’s an imbalance in favor of Horde to be sure, I think it’s also still being overblown and Alliance isn’t quite as bad as it looks, outside of the very top level of play. If you’re a serious/competitive raider and/or M+ player sure, you’re probably going to be with the Horde (I have no idea if this applies to pvp as well) but for pretty much everyone else Alliance still has plenty enough other players around for group content and gasp socializing.
For the average player I think server choice probably makes a larger difference in what your group/social experience is going to be like rather than the faction you pick.
Because Alliance has the superior racials and aesthetic?
Literally, the MOMENT orc gets nerfed by even the tiniest amount, everyone floods back to humans for PVP.
For trolls, if it even remotely gets touched, everyone floods back ally for dwarf/nelf/gnome.
Alliance aesthetics are 100000x better than the horde and our cities are not made of mud huts and spikes which is why I main Alliance. Also, if they actually make raiding and guilds cross faction like they have been hinting at I guarantee you a TON of horde are going to take advantage of the upcoming multi-character faction/realm transfers and return to the Alliance as many people only play horde because they are forced to for group content and once that’s no longer an issue they will come back to the superior Alliance where they belong.