I’m sorry, but those aren’t genocides. In fact, they’re relatively minor.
I have general dislike of the horde story. Also I like knights and midevil fantasy themes.
I also started as an alliance player in vanilla, and most likely stop playing the game as a alliance main.
I love human females
Who doesn’t? Serious question.
Blizz really is just letting an entire faction of a two faction game die, aren’t they.
Because Horde doesn’t give me the option to say daylights Burning.
Seriously though, I love both stories. I just went with alliance after seeing a gnome run around going pew pew.
Playing alliance is playing hard mode. Mostly due to this game being dependent on group activity and the alliance having less people.
I still play my characters on alliance but I have more horde toons leveled and since I can’t mail stuff to them I have more incentive to have alts that are on horde.
Less people, especially competitive ones As the first poster said, you answered your own question lol
Also, the horde does not have gnomes, so it’s a non-starter for me.
The Orc concentration camps were the alternative to outright execution, which about 50% of the Human Alliance actually wanted to do, it was the Menethils and Lordaeron who “saved” the Orcs from immediate death by suggesting possible rehabilitation, it’s just that Blackhand became the warden of said prisons and the cost of feeding large humanoid warriors quickly outpaced the resources available to feed and house and clean up after them.
The purging was not a full on slaughter, the Sunreavers fought back and were killed, most civilians were rounded up and imprisoned, all of this for an act of treason the Blood Elves put themselves in a position to accomplice.
The problem with arguing the Purge is that SEVERAL key contextual details and events were taken out of the original event to try and make it look “morally ambiguous”. In the original event for example the bell activates in transit and destroys like half of Dalaran.
Because the alternative is to play Horde OP and screw that
If Blizzard really cared about saving Alliance, they’d make faction transferring to Alliance free. The fact that they haven’t is all you need to know.
No Dwarves on Horde. Sounds like a mediocre time.
They’d have also made cross-faction play a thing months ago if they really cared about Alliance numbers.
I am all for full cross-faction play if it helps the game. The faction barrier is splitting an already decimated playerbase.
My game experience would be so much more enjoyable if i could queue arenas with my partner’s horde characters on my alliance characters
Because I want a class on each faction. And the human racial is a boon for rep grinding.
The alliance side is fine. They stated the number of players is close. they also said that raiding is not where it should be for the alliance. They have boosted up racial as alliance asks for and that not do anything for the alliance. Then they gave a somewhat high elf to the alliance and the result was not in. The problem is alliances just do not do a lot of raids. Why is it a mystery if you thank about the big picture?
The company has been trying for some years to help allaince. they are just too busy whining about everything to see that or realize they getting stuff and keep up the whimpering. I say grow up. This company bends over backward for the alliance. personally, it’s getting old. When the core problem is the players themself at fault.
So what if a few big raid guilds left. They left because they chasing a rainbow. There were plenty enough players to keep going. Players will do what they want. Everyone needs to stop and realize that the core problem is players. That racial myth needs to go. It has never been proven to date. As at most you looking at 1% difference. If someone is dumb enough to say that is the reason to switch. They should lose money.
I know why I level up a horde in TBC. Alliance players wer4e as toxic as horde is now. That is why I left.
3 Things:
1: People are leaving and the Friends and Guild Members are no really playing this game alot.
2: Lack of Customization Options to even play this game anymore and people are tried of having less and less unique looks to their characters.
3: There’s nothing interesting to the Game in terms of Fun gameplay, lack of New Dungeons, and lack of anything fun in this game anymore.
In Oceanic this is opposite.
Horde have a hard time finding guilds and pugs.
Couldn’t have summed it up better myself. Played in OC when I was stationed overseas on Barthilas. Oh boy, was it a hoot playing as a Mythic prog guild and having pvp battles in front of HFC.