Why does alliance suck at AV

The changes killed our ability to have voice coms, yeah that’s part of it. The battleground layout seriously works to the Horde’s advantage, this is also true.

But seriously, why can’t we get on the same page. Why do we need a group that planned tl work together before entering the BG? Why are there always little groups of people doing their own thing while Horde works together.

It’s unplayable since the changes as Alliance. Let us que as a raid.

Why not just make a discord with all the BG #'s and queue. Then join the channel of the BG you got into. Should work well

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You know, they left the in-game voice chat enabled in Classic, even though it wasn’t in Vanilla. Communicating with one another wasn’t the problem. The problem was the ability for folks to use a third party software to game the queue system.

If you really want to use voice chat, use the one built in.


That’s how we did it before they removed the BG numbers…

Once you’re in the bg, there is a number - no?

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The ironic part is the Ally trolls said Horde could do this over and over and over despite horde players telling them it won’t work.

Now Allies could do it but they don’t either. It doesn’t even work when you have instant queues.

Allies were just lying before. There’s no reliable way to do this.


Yep. We had a few cross-server discords before the numbers were removed. Made it easy to call out and see how many of us had gotten into the same number and drop if not enough.

I realize that’s probably part of why they made the change; people would hold the que too long and then leave a BG half empty when they finally did drop.

I’m mostly just venting here, it sucks…I lack the masochism required to keep grinding for honor. At least I had the rep in the first two weeks… haven’t won a single game since they removed the numbers…yet we won around half of them before we even had the cross server coms. I dunno. Just venting I suppose lol.

Isn’t there in game voice coms?

Every game I’ve been in, for us, for the last weeks has been get to Stone hearth GY, hold it while Horde just keep us occupied there until SH bunker burns, then hold us there (that little niche our graveyard is in sucks majorly) then get the GY resetting us to Stormpike, hold the hill while icewing burns, hold us at Stormpike until it’s taken, leave 5 or so camping the cave while the game is won…it’s brutal lol.

I’ve admittedly never tried in-game voice coms for cross-server. Will have to look into that. didn’t consider that the coms might work cross-server.

the map hasnt changes just he premades so that tells you that most of the alliance were ridding the coat tails of premade groups and winning in 7m and now they cant win.


Probably because alliance players don’t actually want to pvp. Horde is the pvp faction


It’s kind of telling that only Horde are responding too tho. Maybe it’s just the mindset of the average Alliance player…I dunno man. I know the map hasn’t changed, I was just trying to kill excuses before getting them as replies. I don’t want to hear “we lose because”. I want to hear Ally players explain why they run off and do their own thing, go AFK…etc…

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you just dont want to listen to the truth.

what do you mean? Both factions can still do this.

It’s simple… The changes prevented like minded alliance pvpers from grouping with each other.

What resulted is an AV game where only 10 alliance players were actually pvpers and they were grouped with 30 casuals, afk bots, and pvers only interested in rep.

Match that up with a 40 man horde raid of hungry try hard pvpers and the alliance had no chance.

Also the changes forced the best pvpers on the alliance side to join warsong premades if they wanted to rank up. Taking all that skill and gear out of the alliance AV pool really hurt those who remained while the alliance were still facing the top horde warlords every match.

I stopped queuing AV after that and every alliance player should have quit too but you still have enough casuals and afk bots on alliance side to get games going. They just will never win a game


Alliance won an AV yesterday late during the night.


Solid answer. Thanks.

I fixed that for ya.

Because your cave reinforces IBGY far better than SHGY can be supported by SPGY… You have better racials - more people stacked horde to play pvp - the map is in your favor… no one cares to play a turtle with our base advantages when we have instant queues.

Just get your rep and get out. The map heavily favors horde as whoever can hold the first graveyard usually wins the game and horde meet Alliance at shgy every game start.
Try caping ibgy and their run back is half the distance as Alliance’s run back to shgy so you get little time to reset/reinforcements.