Why does alliance suck at AV

The entire Alliance won 1 AV yesterday !! Better not change anything !!!


I’ve had my rep since the second week. I enjoy the battleground, when people stick together and it works. That’s really all it takes, is people sticking together, taking one objective at a time and holding it until it hard caps.

But all the ADD people want to chase down every single horde they see, a mile off the flags…

Let’s face it folks fast mount riding isn’t a combat skill ,Alliance used this ability for 2 months + … now you have non premade alliance trying to compete with Horde on the battlefield while their top rank players are fast riding mounts in PVE mode.


Giving it more thought and reflecting on things said here, I think the most apparent thing is that it wasn’t the voice coms that made premades work so well, it was the fact that with premades we had 30+ players in one AV who were there to win and committed to following a plan, whichever strat was chosen.

Simply: In premades you had 30+ people who wanted to PvP and wanted to win the match. On Horde side, I imagine you have close to that every time; a result of the long ques and the fact that people who want to have meta-pvp toons roll horde; the racials are superior by a long shot. One could argue broken.

On Alliance side, we have a ton of PvE’ers who just want the rep for the BiS gear, afk bots who want to rank without doing anything, an 4 people who all want to lead.

And I can’t tell you guys how just gawdawful it is to join an AV and hear people say “Ok, we’re going to lose so just get to the LTs and get what honor we can”. And it’s every fight, every damn fight people have given up before it even starts. WSG is the same way “They’re a premade, we’re going to lose, just die and don’t rez and let them win.”

It’s enough to make me go back to horde, but I have so much time invested in my Warlock and have so many friends on Alliance side…ugh. I did roll a couple Horde toons on Grob yesterday tho. ffs.

I think it’s a attitude problem because it’s the exact same reason why I’m playing horde instead of alliance

People can blame the map if they want but I for one think they could start winning if they started intercepting horde on the start instead of us nuking them every run

It doesn’t really feel like they are trying and I assume the bots are part of the problem but so is it for horde, on horde side people instantly call out players who seem afk tho

This SHOULD work, but I’ve rarely seen anyone act with anything other than utter revulsion at the idea of the in-client chat.

No idea why, it works fine.

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Doesn’t classic have voice coms baked in?


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