Why Does Alliance Lose AV 90% of the Time?


Horde decide to defend, what stops you from retaking SH? Oh I forgot, lose SH and you completely throw in the towel.

What question. I clearly stated that you do not need IB to hard cap.

You donā€™t really understand how that works. The defensive position horde have to keep people coming from SPGY to SHGY and the amount of reinforcement the alliance team gets requires a serious outplay of the horde defenders, either in pure numbers, coordination, skill, or gear.

Unlike the defensive position of alliance holding IBGY and the amount of reinforcement the horde get, where they can literally just brainlessly zug at the alliance forces and get it back unless they get massively outplayed.

Itā€™s always on the alliance to be above and beyond the horde to win.

The map is incredibly horde favored, itā€™s not really something that can be denied.



If you want to know why nobody gets SHGY back when theyā€™re attacking IBGY at the same time, itā€™s because most players attempt to reinforce the offense and commit too hard to trying to prevent that from failing, because we just end at neutral again if we grab SHGY back. I.E no progress was made
(Which always favors the horde because of the boss summon locations and SFGY being theirs to start)

Iā€™m exalted both sides, took 2 months about 10 or so wins on here, took two weekends one was a holiday on horde. The map 100% favors horde, there is no debate about the gy spawn location.

Alliance pug chat is only about turning in rep mats and bickering back and forth. Horde pug is less bickering, but they call out number and location of enemies and coordinate point zergs. Balinda can be 4 manned but it takes forever, Galv can cleave whipe half a raid. Horde often has no healers so the players have to learn how to fight without them. Alliance usually has healers but pve spec dps. The majority of players in WoW for alliance are pve focused, the opposite is for the horde.

I mean people deny the earth is round so I guess they could also deny the map favors the horde both require similar levels of ignored evidence.

um whatā€¦ galv can also be 4 manned easily.
Hell I got him to like 30% as a 2man with me tanking and a druid healing we were gonna wipe due to healer being oom when like 5 more people showed up to finish him off.

Once SH gy is capped, horde has a good 30 to 45 secs before first 10 rezzers come back from sp gy, so they can all in Balinda easy mode.

If alliance manages to cap ibgy, they have about 15 to 30 seconds before the first 20 people rez from the start cave and have no chance to start galv. Horde do not rez at FW GY they go to the start cave which is closer to the fight and rezes double the amount of players. Horde has twice the respawns rate, is closer to the fight, and can easily kill opposing capt while defending captured gy.

Horde can be completely brain dead to zug to a win, whereas Alliance has an uphill battle the entire fight. Alliance letā€™s casters drink in the back lines. Iā€™ve got several games on my shaman healing the group, not dying once, and rotating drinking with other healers, lol.

I mean I never meant to imply that killing them was equally easy, but both of them can be taken out by a small group in a relatively short period of time. It does not help ones case to say things like

When there are plenty of true disparities that are plenty accurate. without giving map deniers ammo with statements like these.

Also I am sure we will see a lot more Ally AV groups send a group of 5-10 to go kill Galv every game because its easy rep, I do not know why they dont do it now considering horde tend to not kill Belinda till after they contest SHGY, prob because they get the rep for Belinda regardless of Galv being alive or not.

They do, itā€™s just a troll.


90% of NPCs were removed, itā€™s all in the patch notes.

Ally cant premade AV, so the 7 minute 100% winrate died with it and was replaced with a 90% winrate on the horde side.

Because next to noone was complaining about those ā€œproblemsā€ prior to Blizzard fixing AV pre-mades. Practically every post involving AV was Alliance shouting Git Gud or this is revenge for P2.

But then Blizzard fixes pre-mades (which were screwing over their own faction) and suddenly everyone jumps on the MAP BAD bandwagon.


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Itā€™s almost as if the severe map disadvantage could only be overcome with 20-30 players using voice chat/ensuring they had healers and tanks - and still getting nowhere near the win rate that the horde has now.


Because of dodging. If a player doesnā€™t get the game they wanted they would afk out and strand their allies.

Or if Horde managed to defend and make the game seem like it would last longer than 10 minutes Alliance would AFK out.

Gotta preserve that HPH.



because 1 faction is made up almost entirely of rankers, and the other is all alts.

the few alliance ā€˜Rankersā€™ who queue av are usually completely afk leechers, because thats how they got their ranks. also people who premade tend to use AV and other pug bgs as their own personal AFK grounds.

Horde ā€œAlliance are all AFKers and bads.ā€

Also Horde ā€œI joined this faction because I wanted to pvp against only AFKers and badsā€

Itā€™s funny how thatā€™s been the perception Horde has always had- that Alliance is mostly bad pvpers- meaning everyone went horde with the mindset that theyā€™d never face competitive pvp. No wonder the pvp community is in such a horrid state in retail/classic- everyone interested in pvp is extremely disinterested in facing a challenge.

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Not to mention the overwhelming alliance win % with the identical map/patch as 1.12 AV in vanilla.

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i can come on my ranked alliance toon if you like, i play both sides equally. i was sick of putting up with the good for nothing, entitled brats in alliance pugs. who want free honor and rep while putting in ZERO effort. and zero effort to their characters.

after playing horde for a month now i can say its a breathe of fresh air - those people still do exist here, but they sure as hell are not as vocal or welcomed on hordeside.

On alliance side i would beg my team to play and i would get told to screw off, etc and that they want to lose ASAP. this has never once happened on horde for me.