Why do you want the old UI?

It’s funny to me seeing people getting upset, by people not liking the new ui, like… how is this a surprise? People who’ve been playing the game since vanilla, and no all of a sudden blizzard add an in reversible feature where there’s no option to go back. I personally don’t mind the new ui

I’d assume majority of wow players now days are boomers, there has been an absolute massive outcry just to have the option back, and when you think about it, it literally causes no harm in adding the option back, literally doesn’t hurt anyone else’s experience, literally 0.

At the end of the day, I can see a lot of people quoting because they just don’t like the new setup which changes their player experience a lot, not to mention 75% of the addons won’t work with the new coding system of the new ui, which makes the game unplayable for a lot of players.

Imagine blizzard legit adding a feature that will make players quit an already dying game though, just imagine :joy: it’s not good, I love wow, but when queue timers get longer and groups stop filling it’s gonna be sad man.


I don’t play for performance. I never raid or group. I level alts and quest so it doesn’t bother me. I will get the ui to something similar to the old one and continue playing but if they ever give the option to switch to old ui, I will flip that switch and never look back.

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It’s because people are too stubborn to accept change. Get used to it, little boy.

here’s your future … World of Warcraft has always had its ebbs and flows based on the release of new content and implementation of new mechanics and policies, but since 2011, it’s been a pretty significant downward trend. However, it seems Activision may be poised to weather the storm even if someday they’ll only have a niche playerbase still attached to World of Warcraft .

Don’t play the game if you hate it so much then

I don’t think the idea here is that we hate the game, but that we hate the decisions being pushed into the game.

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There is. And its close enough
Yes, the lower right menu needs to be sizeable. Hopefully they get that fixed soon

All you people do is complain about every aspect of the game. So why waste your money? Go play something else. EverQuest II is right there since you guys like old stuff

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I’m still using UI add-ons. Everything seems like it’s not moveable yet so I haven’t changed to their new UI for the moment.

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I’ve markedly only complained about the UI so far so I don’t understand your angle here, we’re talking about WoW, the new UI in WoW, so why bring up Everquest? Why not voice our opinions in the forums of all places for a product that we use?

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enjoy longer wait times in LFR and empty servers. Forbes financial times had this to say World of Warcraft has always had its ebbs and flows based on the release of new content and implementation of new mechanics and policies, but since 2011, it’s been a pretty significant downward trend. However, it seems Activision may be poised to weather the storm even if someday they’ll only have a niche playerbase still attached to World of Warcraft .

When you have no argument so you just copy and paste the same thing

Because youve made it clear that its NOT the functionality of the UI that youre complaining about, but some irrelevent art change that in no way affects the functionality.
That is complaining just to complain.

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I get it, you’re just here to troll people, you didn’t actually come for discussion. Carry on with entertaining yourself.

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If it had zero effect on addons then sure it would’ve been awesome but that’s not the case so of course people are going to be annoyed.

I had to use several UI addons to create my set up because it was designed around the dynamic cam that Blizzard ditched and more than likely will never expand upon.

Key word is “almost”. I have tried dominos, bartnender, elvui, all of the UI addons and when it came down to it I always ended up at the old UI as it just felt more natural and familiar to me.

so because it was easy for you then it must be easy for everyone? what a self absorbed little punk

So anyone who disagrees with you is a troll? Okay you’re a troll because I disagree with you.

What a weak insult. If the edit mode is hard for you, then you are a fool. It’s really simple.

Sure, maybe I don’t have a problem with a lot of the functionality of the new UI, that doesn’t mean that the graphical change wasn’t a huge impact for me, and others that are making that very clear, and is a valid reason of concern for us. Enough so to talk about it. And that doesn’t discount the fact that there are small problems in the UI itself that are an issue.

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You must be legally blind then. I know some good doctors to diagnose you.