Why do you support Saurfang or Sylvanas?

Just wanted to let you know this comment is great, and perfectly encapsulates what a lot of us are feeling. I know it was praised heavily in the discord, although most of the players there arent able to post currently because they let their subs lapse.

I can still post without a sub tho, because blizzard decided im special.


So Ashran 2.0?

Neither Sylvanas or Saurfang has a viable future for the Horde. But Saurfang is the one broadcasting the future that I know I can’t stomach.

Add in spite, protest and a rational conclusion from previous experiences that Sylvanas as she is is not the Sylvanas that she could/should be and it’s a no-brainer. Digital elves burning to death was cheap shock value, massively misjudged in its impact barring some future revival that lessens its malice - it’s so ridiculous that it’s almost a non-factor for me.

Almost any outcome will make me upset, somewhat. But the only one that is a flat dead-end for the Horde, and makes me lose interest, is trying to pretend the Horde is it’s Vanilla incarnation again - when it isn’t and can’t be.

The Horde deserves better than the current story and the less Horde that die in the fixing of it, on both sides, the better of the Horde will be in the end. And the more Alliance that die screaming is also a win, of course. #TeldrassilWasNotEnough


Y’know this whole ordeal kinda reminds me of the 2016 presidential election. People were choosing based on which candidate is worse than the other rather than who’s better. Kinda like this Horde story, which leader would have a worse impact on the faction as a whole.


MHGA! Get your red hats.


I support Sylvanas because she saved the Horde as an organization, she saved Saurfang, Vol’jin(she actually avenged him and genuinely cared for him), and Varian. I mean she’s a complete nightmare on the battlefield and is working over time to destroy the Alliance, how could you not support her?

Talk about Dark Lady watch over us…geez Louise.


I loved the noble savage underdogs trying to band together and carve a place in the world theme of WC3 to Wrath. I don’t care for Saurfang himself, just the Horde he prefers. Sylvanas was okay until Arthas died, then she became a Saturday morning cartoon villain.

Im actually serious

Sylvanas is literally Donald trump who has a dedicated fanbase of people who will suport him no matter how outrageous his presidency gets out of spite of the liberals/democrats (Blizzard)

While Saurfang is Hillary, a character that used to be well respected by everyone (Horde), but them did something incredibly controversial like her email scandal (not killing Malf) and now people like to primarily fault her for that and use it as vindication for Republicans (Sylvanas fans) to constantly mock her for that one thing she did even though their own guy performed far worse crimes. (This isn’t a political rant so im not going to list them)

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Sylvanas opened the boarders of the Horde, basically anyone that pledges themselves to our cause is welcomed, hence the NB, HM, and Zandalri.


Ironically, I see Saurfang as Trump because he’s obsessed with the restoration of an idealized past that didn’t exist as he thinks it did and isn’t possible in today’s world. I don’t necessarily attach any negativity to Trump because of this, as I am not American, so I don’t pretend to understand US politics. But if we were going to boil down this fantasy world’s silly politics to try and map it onto the US election, Saurfang’s self destructive nostalgia puts him in the red cap for me.


Yo, DiF please cut with the Sylvanas propaganda and give us your REAL opinion please? Just this once?

This isn’t a debate thread so im not going to argue like usual, i just want to see what everyones’ PoV is.

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I truly wanted to make a meaningful response to this thread to describe my feelings about the story so far, I really did

That was honestly my REAL opinion, she’s awesome, should I have listed all the reasons why I support her? I feel like Alex in a sense “She’s an interesting character and she’s a character beloved not just by our playerbase but by our developer base as well,”

Do you want to know what first made me support her, before she became the powerhouse she is today? I mean she wreaked the Dreadlords and Garithos way back when so there that, from there it just got better and better. Sylvanas + Forsaken = support for life

I love their stories, concept, themes, and characterizations.


I’ll be honest I wish I could just enjoy the story the way DiF does. It’s such a pure, honest joy.


: )

Just focus on the parts you like and you’ll ascend into darkness :new_moon_with_face::new_moon_with_face:. Once those things you like go, then you go.


Then you leave me no choice, it seems only fair that i provide Saurfang propaganda to balance it out.


Saurfang is the greattest hero the Horde has ever had, he’s reckt the Alliance not once, not twice, but THREE times! Once when he was wrecking the Alliance in SW, then again when he held the line in Hillsbrad during the second war covering for the rest of the Hordes’ retreat, and then AGAIN when he scaled through the mountains of Felwood and attacked the Alliance from behind carrying the entire WoT, which was HIS plan btw. Not only does he straight reck Alliance booty, he also has saved the world on several occassions like when he straight up united both factions under HIM (he’s so awesome he can do that) and cleaved his way through the ruins of AQ till he removed the head of Ossirian the Unscarred and then decended into the temple and took out C’thun, who is a literal god. Then he saves the world again when he saves the player and that Forsaken guy in Borean Tundra from that Necrolord guy before he could kill us, turn us into undead, and force us to ravage the world. Saurfang snuck in disguised as a necromancer, revealed himself, and then proceeded to cleave an entire army of abominations (or whatever those things are) and then cleaving the necromancer. Then he saves the world AGAIN, when he single handedly cleaved his way through treacherous Garrosh followers and mantid before being modest enough to let us to finish the raid on our own due to an injury he sustained after eradicating enemies all the way down the Underhold. He truly is the greatest hero the Horde has ever produced

Oh, sorry, was that too long?

Can’t we all be friends? C’mon Pyrogar lighten up, let em have their opinions. This isn’t the thread to tell people what they believe is wrong, it’s to understand why they may think this way.


Saurfang isn’t Hillary in that analogy though, he’s Ted Cruz. I guess that would make Baine Jeb.

Jaina is Hillary. I guess that makes Anduin Obama and Genn Greymane Joe Biden.

You are a terrible person for introducing this idea because know I’m just thinking about the political fanfiction.


Hey, what do you mean? That honestly was my REAL opinion, he’s awesome, should i have listed all the reasons why i support him? (Oh, nvm, i already have)

As I recall his main objection was not so much the act but the consequences that would ensue. A lot of cvillians were killed in Ashenvale and Darkshore, but he still felt that the war had been limited enough for the plan to go through up until the point where it came for him to do the one important job he personally had been assigned to do… put the coup de grace on the entire target of the war itself… Malfurion Stormrage. That was the point of the War of Thorns after all… draw him out and kill him.

The real Saurfang vs Sylvannas should really be this question. With Malfurion and Tyrande safe away from harm, do you fold up your hands and accept that everything you had done up to this point, all of the Horde blood spilled, was for nothing, or do you up the ante? Saurfang represents the former choice and Sylvannas the latter.

I’m not saying what choice is “right”, but what they both entail.