I love it. I really need to start watching this show again… it was one of my favorites but I have been so busy farming for the brutosaur I havent had time lol
How did it take from July 27th to December 5th before this was included in this thread. Also where are the Beard Refrences? This ain’t your Daddy’s Warrior Forums any longer.
No one understands Conan anymore… this world has changed lol
I have seen a few posts asking why they should love they warriors… figured I’d bring this back. ^.^
I’m starting to play one less and less. Haste stacking and spammy rage dump mechanics are taking their toll on my hands.
Sounds like should be playing a mage instead of warrior
Yes well the mage aesthetic is not in the same ball park as the Warrior.
Secondly, I play with a controller, for the same hand pain issues. The Warrior is one of the few options where you can play nearly optimally on a controller. There are obvious drawbacks, but they are considerably worse on most ranged casters.
So… community… Why do you play a warrior?
Where are the nuggets on a chicken?!!
To show all the magic using chumps whos the boss
I cannot hit the like button enough for this!!
I switched from rogue to warrior cuz my guild didn’t have one for raid.
This brightened my day
Having played & mained most classes and specs throughtout the expansion sometimes simplicity is great.
And for the same reason I fell in love with Arcane: sometimes it’s great to not have ramp up, fancy gimmicks, dots. And to add, sometimes you just want to charge in and swing that over sized blade or blunt object!
This is the first expansion that I’ve actually put time into a warrior, and I feel like I’ve been missing out, I love the way my fury warrior plays, and to top it off Zandalari just makes it that much more badass!
I play warrior because I pvp and warriors so stupidly good at it
You pretty much summed it up in the first paragraph. I like to beat things in the face with chunks of metal
I have played this game since release… my first account was hacked and I lost it…
I made this warrior in WoD after trying tanking for the first time in Blackrock Foundary on my old monk. The warrior I maxed out but I didnt really play it much after that.
Legion came and of course I was playing Demon Hunter… but I greatly detest the way blood elves look in this game so I decided I’d try warrior.
It was a week after Emerald Nightmare released.
This warrior had become my main and has stayed that way since. And is now my most /played character sitting at 157 days.
I have tried leveling others… my warlock mage priest monk and rogue have hit 120… however… after months my monk and mage are the only 2 that has hit ill 400… others still have on heirlooms.
Yes… sometimes I miss magic… but the feel of coming up to someone… snacking them in the face with a big piece of metal, making them forget they knew how to cast spells, and beatingthem senseless just makes everything better.
Because being a berserking ball of fire is fun.
Love my bear but I’m leveling a prot warrior anyway.
- Warrior may not have as much HP, but with proper CD management they take a lot less damage.
- Warrior does way better damage. I don’t raid anymore and any bit of extra DPS you can squeeze out in M+ really matters.
- GCD makes bear clunky as hell. Warriors just feel smoother to play.
- Druids are top-tier healers in M+ and likely always will be, for reasons I won’t go into here. The only utility a bear has that a Resto druid doesn’t is stampeding roar. Except Resto is getting stampeding roar in Shadowlands. Going bear main-spec is trading the best M+ healing kit in the entire game to be a second-rate tank. I’ll admit, it is fun though.
- My warrior is a Vulpera. He’s tiny and cute and does flips and his racials are surprisingly good, at least so far.
- Prot warrior is more mechanically demanding than bear. I like to watch the fight, not my cooldowns. Nothing some more practice some won’t fix.
- My warrior is only level 75 but so far it seems like my bear has better AoE threat, if only because my bear swipes when my warrior devastates. Thrash and Thunderclap seem pretty similar in terms of CD and AoE threat generated.