Uhh…I don’t know how to say this m8, but that’s what paladins do not warriors. You shoulderbash them, we are the ones that backhand them in the face.
My paladin friend… i am at work and cannot check for myself just yet… but i do believe that we use the ability called pummel and its icon is a fist…
Now i could be wrong and i will check whenever i get home… however… you almost convinced me lol
Yep, I know pummel icon is a fist. Our rebuke icon is also a fist. Test your pummel when you get home and then make a 110 trial character paladin and use rebuke.
I’m sure you won’t believe your eyes when ya do
edit: I always get a kick outta using my rebuke, my paladin keepin his pimp hand strong on them casters.
it appears as tho you are correct… I give credits for paladins and they “Feel my pimp hand” silence.
I guess should bash to the face works too lol
Pummel used to give us a dmg bonus when we successfully interrupted a cast
In short, Arms Warrior fits my hand. I do well with arms, it comes so naturally and cleanly to me that no matter how much I try to drift away from the class I always find nothing else quite fits.
There is always that one class that people float back to…
I have tried leveling alts… even with the 120 boost i couldnt stay away from mymwarrior long enough
As a warrior (on my alt) that only plays prot:
- smashing faces repeatedly with a car door CLANG CLANG
- making the ground shake stomp stomp stomp
- shouting all over the place like a crazy person
- charge vroom vroom
- laughing at physical damage
I play a warrior because the literal resource for our abilities is RAGE. We kill stuff because we are pissed off all the time. We hit stuff we get angry, we get hit we get even angrier. What’s not to love?
that actually sounds about right… specially in those big nazjatar pvp groups lol
To crush my enemies, to see them driven before me, and to hear the lamentations of their women.
I support this
Because I ignore pain
Like a true orc warrior should!! Lok’tar Ogar!
Its fun asf and pulls insane amounts of damage unlike most classes
This makes no sense.
its like being asta from black clover when theres a world full of magic and you have none
love the varvatos reference from a disney film if its not that reference im sorry but thats what popped into my head when i read that
Tops the damage meters obviously use your head. Its fun asf
But how is that exclusive to warrior. Or in what world do most classes not do “insane” amounts of damage, to a degree that they’re so greatly outclassed by warrior.