So I can get “ooked in the dooker” by just about every class
I always played plate classes in all rpg and mmo. I prefer a sturdy shield and a broad axe.
Ask yourself this: Would you fight a big bull in metal armor charging at you that could easily snap you in two?
I played (past tense) a warrior to tank in vanilla and bc. I play (present tense) a warrior because wotlk added titans grip, which is the single most badsass ability ever added to this game and made fury the best spec in the game. And I couldnt be happier with how fury plays today, the pace and the rotation and the carnage and did I mention titans grip?
Something about the class lore and play style. No matter what other class I really want to play and get into, I find myself coming back to a warrior. There is just something so satisfying about being right in the thick of it, wailing away at the monster either ripping it apart or protecting the rest of the team. Warrior just let’s me live out some sort of fantasy I suppose.
I started playing this game in 2006. The movie 300 just came out and I liked the idea of a warrior. That’s it, that was my whole reason.
Because of Charge and Thunder Clap.
It is fun to go Leroy into a group, spam TC, and block your way to victory.
I wanted to be an ironclad, angry bull who smashes people with giant hammers (least till I get my totems).
I stayed cause loved the class…least until Mists.
Haymaker makes me laugh every single time I use it though… that is one violent KD.
I really like the “in your face” style of the warrior, but I think to me a Warrior is basically just the martial “do anything” kind of class. I think they should bring back Gladiator playstyle, allow 2handers to be transmogged to 1 handers and maybe even an additional playstyle of a “bowman” as a change of pace.
I see Warriors as the weaponmasters and it would be nice to see more player choice on how to play / rp them!
I play a warrior because there are no Demon Hunters in classic.
Seriously, I’ve always been drawn to the warrior class. It was my first toon in original WoW. My heroes, growing up, were the characters in the worlds Robert E. Howard created and the knights of Camelot. Nothing says raw power like a warrior charging into a pack of mobs with a huge 2-hander.
I’ve always gone the route of me got big stick, me beat you to death. course i am an orc so we aren’t exactly known for our brains.
Sometimes I deliberately backpedal in PvP when I’m playing Fury to perpetuate my braindead inbred persona.
Cause I am dumb and the class is really simple to play back in TBC.
Why war? Cause cybil here has an attitude problem. Likes to go crazy and murder everything when ticked off. Nothing says that better than a fury war.
I never picked up warrior until WoD
I was always the spellcaster type player…
But once i leveled this guy i couldn’t put him down… until demon hunters came out… and even then i came back
I like their heroic theme.
Because there is no better class that represents the pursuit of Honor and glory in battle. The lore is great. The look is great. Give me a weapon and a cause, all shall fall before me.