Why do YOU play a warrior?

My name is from a Weapon “Ridill” that came off a Dragon that spawns every 24 hours so camping it with a ton of other players hoping to get this weapon. I really enjoyed those years, before WoW.

ffxi STOLE my soul as a pre-teen lol so it’s my childhood. My first ever character was a Elveen Warrior! Ridill is an off-hand weapon that attacks multiple times it reminds me of Fury.

So I had to play Warrior again >:)


Because people say i shouldn’t run arenas as a tank. Ive been radicalized.

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I play warrior because they are fun, the rotation and spammy nature makes them enjoyable to me. I also like stances and the ease of play. Staying on target in pvp feels great and the uptime is amazing compared to the other melee I’ve played.

In 1v1s they don’t feel amazing, I feel a lot of classes take the wind out of my warrior, but that isn’t stopping me from making a second warrior! Gonna make an alliance one thinking worgen :wolf:


Zug Zug my brother. You nailed it.

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Warriors have always brought the big wood to the fight!!! There is always at least one spec that’s A+ or better and multiple specs that are viable in all aspects of the game. It’s really the best melee class to play and not feel like you have to reroll to something else every other expansion or season for that matter.

I’m Gunna be honest if you aren’t wielding two huge weapons or fish in your cold blooding killing MACHINE hands you should just unistall WoW. The warrior class will always be the gigachad.

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Figured I already yell at things a lot in real life. Pretty thematic for me at this point. shrug


Why do I play a Warrior?
I’ve played it for 11 years now, and I quit for 2 seasons with it, but came back to it recently.
I play it bc it’s always decent at least if not meta, no button bloat, and I have awareness with it bc I know it.
I have developed brain damage over the years so my reactions are quite… meh now.

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I find the animations and spunds of abilities very pleasing. Its incredibly visceral.


Plus plate on an orc. :+1:


Started playing War in WOD because of glad stance and havnt left since. I have had times when I had other classes to play as alts but main has been warrior. Blizz please bring back glad stance in some sense.

Im in love with Fury spec ! So much fun to play! And orc animation and armor are really good too. :slight_smile:

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Idk what content you’re referring to but for m+ rogue will always be the safest pick for melee every season

Ohh my bad , I meant for pvp mostly but warriors have always been good for at least 1 A spec in end game material per season per expansion. I’m not mad I’m just saying blizzard has found their template for warrior and it’s pretty solid most of the time.

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They’ll be good for raids always, at least 1 spec just for battle shout and rally.

In m+ that’s not enough.

Pvp idk I hear they’re usually good lol

I agree, also Rogue is not great every expansion… I felt gimp a lot as a Rogue and it’s one of the most difficult classes to really excel with.

Warrior fundamentally is a great class, solid in every situation. Plus having an off Tank spec is so VITAL to truly having a good experience in most MMO’s.

For example… If you play League of Legends, playing a support role will only enhances your knowledge of the game. I feel like Warrior is a great class to learn and grow with. Also when you have gear, there’s nothing stopping a GOOD warrior.

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Been my main since vanilla.

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Well, not sure to be honest. One day, Bert came into my room, randomed everything, then pressed enter. Boom Arandarang was born. Bert had him a warrior to, and wanted me to try it. At first, I didn’t really like it. But Bert kept pushing me to level, and play my warrior. The only thing I can think of that made me want to play a warrior, is the story “Pilgrim’s Progress”. Pilgrim gets a sword and shield. Just like a warrior.

Bert wanted us to play fury warriors. But as i was leveling, I kept having a hard time finding tanks. I originally wanted to spec arms. But Bert said fury, but as there were not many tanks on Barthilas (at least i could never find any) I elected to tank, myself. Bert showed me how to tank. I still want to spec arms, but until Bert returns, I will remain protection spec. Though, I did spec Arms briefly during Shadowlands, and had great fun, I specced back to protection. Once I hear from Bert, I will spec back to arms :slightly_smiling_face:

Been playing since Vanilla and Burning Crusade, though I have not played most of the expansions. I just want Bert to know, I never gave up, and kept the faith.


Zug zug and smash smash. Ive always played warrior archetype and engineer (actual totem) archetypes. Sadly, we dont have an actual totem class, so i spend many days on my war smashy smashing


Could play as a gnome or goblin… those 2 have strong engineer vibes at least.

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