PvP since day 1.
You could die in one Ambush or Aimed Shot since the beginning.
If you are PvPing that is literally the chance you have always had since day freaking one.
PvP since day 1.
You could die in one Ambush or Aimed Shot since the beginning.
If you are PvPing that is literally the chance you have always had since day freaking one.
Doing it since forever doesn’t make it good. Should we go back to the laws at the founding of the country?
It’s having realistic expectations. FotM rerollers will always exist. Meme build abusers will exist. PvP will never be balanced. Never.
This isn’t about balance and you know it.
I literally just answered it and said yes there should be more challenge in the content provided that is considered casual play like the story quest and such. Saying it should be on par with mythic sire is obvs sarcasm but having and actual challenge in the content that supposed casuals do would better prepare them for the next step in the content teir like im answering your question dude
It kind of is because I’m like 99% sure you’re complaining about the current season when you don’t have a chance to even respond. I’m also 99% sure you’re complaining about the current issue with the MMR system being clogged with boosters.
I’m there with you. Battlegrounds are probably my favorite content ever added into the game. I’m sad that I don’t play them much, but I’m just a better PvE player.
That being said, give Rated BGs a go if you love battlegrounds. And if you’re comfortable enough, make your own groups and require people to join in-game voice or discord. By doing this, you can upgrade your PvP gear AND do your favorite content. And if you lean on the more “casual” end, then just push casually and upgrade your gear as you go along and see where you are able to rank to.
There was complete scaling in Legion and a lot of people found that bland, so they improved it somewhat in BFA and that was about right IMHO. It’s just off the charts busted in this patch at least for SL.
The getting blown up as a fresh max level has always been there. But now you can be max unrated gear and get blown up. Moreover 2-3 max geared players break the game in bgs.
I saw, and I’ll now let the public judge you on your position that we should throw in elite level content to the casuals. I personally think that’s absurd but if thats what you believe, it’s your right to have that opinion.
I was asking Sentenza in what you quoted.
Your question has been resolved by invalidating your flawed analogy and getting to the root of your issue.
cause players want better gear for LITERALLY the same reason the world first elite raiders want better gear: it makes your numbers higher.
I don’t raid, but I jump in and out of M+… I will continue seeking better gear cause it’ll allow me to do WQ faster.
No, I’m fine with the current season. Maybe you’re just not good at PVP.
I have an honestly the labor that goes into digging up a new 10 players constantly sucks. Not to mention unlike arena the team size inhibits the game mode and a slight drop in players for RBGs (which require 20) is a massive determinant to the game.
This does not answer the question. You won’t’ take a position.
This is about PVP.
I see no reason why giving the so called casual player something that presented a challenge so they can improve at the game and then not have other content like rated pvp and pve seems so out of reach be a really good thing. Maybe if the base content for this game was so ridiculously easy then these so called casual players would have a better understanding of how things work in game and a better footing to move up and get the gear and stuff they so desperately want.
Lmao what
Then deal with it. Enjoy your unrated 200 pieces from your BGs.
The first sentence didn’t make sense. But the second sentence suggests you think people should be forced to play in content they don’t enjoy, or may not have the time to invest in. Am I reading that right?
I am?
You seem to be whinging.
ok… in pvp better gear means more Stamina which means you live longer. more gear means more of all other stats which means you do more damage. it’s still the same logic that’s existed in WoW since it was first created(with the exception of PvP scaling in BfA)
If you don’t enjoy the 3 teirs of content this game has to offer as progression raid, dungeons, pvp then don’t expect to get gear its that simple. And don’t expect to compete with people that do.
I’d draw you a picture if I could but the forums won’t allow it. Seems we’re at an impasse.
I expect to get the gear that level of content gives me.
Again, this isn’t the problem we’re talking about.
It literally does.