"Why do you need better gear if you're a casual?"

Alright random bgs are for everyone stop trying to gate keep people just because they were able to put in more time and effort to get better rewards.

I just leveled a dh hes item level 180 now I spent about 3 hours this past weekend doing random bgs and I got destroyed I also did some arenas and was destroyed. Did I cry no. Did I think it was unfair no. Did I run to the forums to whine and whine no. I just did them got a but of gear up graded and will continue to improve my character to be able to compete with out people because I’m not a whiny baby demanding everyone be equal and its not fair wah

I’m aware of that.

This is the position you can have when you think an M+10 boss should be dropped into Heroic dungeons. But that’s not a position I hold.

But it’s what happens in random BGs. Do I think they should do ilvl brackets? Sure? Are they doing to? No. The queue times would be insufferable to the point where folks would only do E BGs.

As I said in the OP, we need a more balanced, albeit slower way, to get the LFG crowd up to the non-LFG crowds ilvl.

I’m saying speed is the balancing effect here. But ultimately, given that PVP is a match of skill, experience, and wits, earned comparable-gear isn’t a problem.

You kinda brought this on yourself. You attracted the pve gatekeepers into a thread about bg scaling by your wording.

Anyone who read the OP understands what I’m saying. I won’t spoon-feed people too lazy to read 3 paragraphs.

Then do M+ or start doing arena. Both are casual activities. Better yet since you enjoy BGs, start doing RBGs.

You aren’t being gatekept from any content just spend $125 for ur normal carry as a true honest game experience

M+ is static
Arena has brackets
There’s nothing stopping a 220 player from being in a match with a fresh 60.

This is the design problem this post is addressing.

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I just like doing the same old thing but faster. If they bump up the WQ rewards as the expansion goes similar to Legion/BFA I should be fine. Haven’t played much in the last month and a half due to an injury.

You have to admit that’d be pretty funny to see pop up.

So then let your power stagnant. If you’re not going to progress your power, then idk what to tell you.

Yea you want scaling in random bgs so you invalidate a players rewards because you can’t or won’t work to get the same rewards thats not fair thats bs

I did not ask for scaling. Please read anything I wrote in the OP.

I’m saying if it works in PVE it should work in PVP. You think it should work differently. Why?

This doesn’t even make sense.

Either participate in other casual content, or enjoy getting slammed by folks that did put in the effort.

Why aren’t you willing to put in the effort to become a 220 God in BGs? I’m only 1400 in 2s. It took me and my friend 2 hours to get it. If I were you you could probably PuG 3s or RBGs easily as healers are always in demand.

I pugged my way up to 1157 in RBGs.
Now I’m just looking for dedicated team Alliance side.

So you think an M+10 boss should be in heroics, and people should enjoy that?

You know what. Sure. Yes. Enjoy.

Add non-rated gear progress, and non-rated PVP gear brackets if necessary.

Yes, even though I have too much money to be gatekept, I will always look out for the less fortunate. If that makes me a hero, so be it.