"Why do you need better gear if you're a casual?"

I saw this argument on the forums last week and after thinking about it, it’s a good argument. If you hate Mythic Dungeons, why do you need more than a 200 ilvl?

So I took a breath and decided not to stress about gear until I realized this: I love battlegrounds. A lot. And I frankly could play them all day long and not have near the burn out that I would if tried LFR, Mythic Dungeons around +6, or anything above that.

Except that LFG battlegrounds are saturated with try-hard 220 ilvl players. Not every game, certainly, but it super sucks when it happens.

The argument of “Why do you need gear” is accurate in PVE. The gearing system, even in its scarce state, at least has A lead to B which leads to C. But not in the LFG battleground system. There are several ways this could be resolved and while I don’t care which way they improve it (just that they improve it) I would like to suggest we just let LFG allow for conquest points at a rate 3-to-5 times slower than ranked BGs.

It will forever blow my mind that content as repeatable as battlegrounds won’t see any real investment but that WQ - decidedly less repeatable content - does. But any, I’m just a rabble-rouser screaming at the rich from outside the gated community.



As a solo player why do I need better gear??? To solo mythic legion raids for mounts and mogs. That’s why.


most of my conquest pts on my alt came from unranked. Honestly I preferred the preset stat templates for unranked pvp and let our gear matter in rated pvp. So casuals can enjoy pvp also and maybe move into the rated at some point.

I can’t comment on PvE because well… I hardly ever do it.


Would be nice to have equal gear levels in PvP for sure. So I agree with you there.

Not directed at you: the “casual vs. elite” thing is… worn out. I just wish we’d quit with the tribalism on these forums.


They already allow for less conquest?

First win of the day for normal is 45 and then 8 for every win. Epics are 65 for the first win and then 15 for every win. Why would you want them to be slower?

I would think that when most people get forced into the Maw for reknown quests they probably don’t want to eat after every fight, or having to skirt around every elite, or keep running back to their corpses…

If you don’t get some good gear, there are some things like the maw, some dailies, that you won’t progress on.


To solo Mythic Legion raids :slight_smile:


I don’t need better gear. I want better gear. I also want a reason as a solo player to keep logging in once I’m at 200 ilevel. Raiding/pvp/M+ are not attractive to most of us. Hell, give us heroic world quests we can solo. Have Torghast give gear commensurate to the difficulty levels. Give us something to do that doesn’t involve waiting around for people to decide if they want to play or not.


Why not just play a single player game?


Fair point, let me clarify. What I would like are two things:

  1. I’d like a median amount that doesn’t change. Instead of 45/8 I’d like a flat, say, 20.

  2. Epic BGs, while a whole other topic, are so painfully bad, and anathema to the concept of BGs. I shouldn’t ever be forced to play those. They have a much higher engagement rate relative to what people would play without incentives. PVE in BGs has a place. How they’ve executed Epic BGs is not that place.

Also, I thought it pinballed? E.g. if I do a Random, then an Epic, then a random again, I get more conquest. No? I also really want one blacklist option.

Is there a single player game as dense as WoW? Find me one and I’ll be glad to go.

Also, WoW from 1-59 is a single player game.


It’s really not a good argument for casual PvPers… they need all the gear they can get.


I’m not trying to get rid of you. Just wondering if something else would match what you’re looking for.

  1. Open world scales remember when Vale and Uldum patch? You couldn’t quest freely there with low Ilvl gear.

  2. if you do random BGs you need at least 200-205 just to be competitive. ( bring back templates if you want to limit gear )

  3. soloing BFA and Legion stuff need gear to do so.


I have to disagree with you because your argument holds a basic fallacy. You are equating “casual” with “not wanting to do dungeons”.

Casual has a different meaning to everyone. I consider myself a casual player, however, on my alliance main, I raid heroic and I do M+ keys. On my horde main, I run torghast with a group and would like to run some M+ keys, but can’t seem to break the 200 ilvl.

Others might see casual as just raiding, just doing M+ keys, PVPing, or just questing. It is different for everyone because the game offers a wide range of activities. So to use the argument that “casuals” don’t need access to gear puts limits on those casuals who would like to do specific content, but are struggling because of the gear cap people want to put in place.

I don’t understand this need of limiting gear access to people. Is it because you don’t want them to enjoy playing? Or do you think they are going to interfere with how you play the game in some manner?


It doesn’t pinball. Once you earn your first win of the day in both you’re hard capped at the amount of conquest you can earn per BG win.

I do want the return of the blacklist, so I’ll never have to play WG again.

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Won’t disagree with you but it’s not my wheelhouse. I’m a PVP monger.

“Why do you need better gear” is a stupid argument in PvE as well, in my opinion.

This is supposed to be a RPG. Seeing my character get stronger is fun while feeling like I can’t progress isn’t fun(just like how people are complaining that even raids and M+ don’t drop enough gear).

Granted the gear shouldn’t just be mailed out to everybody upon logging in, but having more options for gearing up other than raids/M+/Rated PvP isn’t a bad thing either.


One for each.

WG and BfG - OUT!

Yeah, the gameplay and for the most part, character development of WoW is what I’m looking for, and is why I’m still here after 15 years. The issue is any progress past ilevel 200 as of right now is strictly group content. PVP is the most unenjoyable gameplay loop of anything I’ve ever done, so there is no allure there at all. The M+ changes are potentially decent, but I’m also worried 207 will be completely pointless by the time that patch lands.