"Why do you need better gear if you're a casual?"

Is this for me or a general comment? I don’t have any complaints about my survivability in PVP on my main. This is a general system-design thread.

Yea thats how it works, people that progress their characters are better geared than people who don’t, I know I know shocking

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Yes. Which is fine.

But in PVE, that’s sufficient. In PVP it is not.

Not as shocking as your ability to dodge the point.

To kill stuff faster

Like I said before who does Mythic raid gear benefit the most ? The guys who get a 1% increase in power or a fresh toon in questing greens ?

Until you make Mythic gear work only in Mythic , it will always be desired in all content even pvp :smiley:

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For anyone struggling to understand why they are being deleted in a cheap shot.

Yes it is fine that those that choose to not participate in content aren’t competitive with those that do.

Path of Exile. You’re welcome.

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I’ll try this another way.

If you only do Heroic Dungeons, should you occasionally have to fight a boss from M+10?

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Well, the post was about ladder advancement and the difficulty of playing it honestly at this point with all the smurfs and carries. That’s an observation about that state of the pvp endgame.

Your lame attempt to harass and shame me for a normal carry is both off topic and weird. I also buy delivery food service a lot. I’m cheating at life I guess.

If all you are doing is Heroic dungeons why would you think you can take on a M10 boss?

What point you’re literally complaining its not fair that someone put in the time and effort to reach a higher rating and get better gear and thats unfair because why someone who didn’t do that doesn’t have good gear? Honestly that seems really fair and reasonable to me. Thats called progression and guess what everyone can do it holy cow!

Can isn’t the question. Should you have to is the question.

Either you can’t read, or you’re intentionally missing the point. I’ll ask you the same question…

I mean, you can deal with the L. If you’re talkin’ PvP, yeah that’s how MMR works. Sometimes you go against gods.

  1. No it isn’t, you’re wrong.

  2. If you only do Heroics, should the game occasionally make you fight a M+10 boss? Stop being a coward and take a position.

Yea sounds like a fun challenge im down

the game

Everyone needs a goal. Period. End of story.

People who run the better content have a clear goal, and a timeframe. Casuals also would like this goal but since they are casual should be gaining this goal at a much slower pace.

Casuals are paying for this bloody game. If there is nothing grand and exciting to work for, then why play at all? Also, if you care what casuals are getting then you need to sit down with your weak @ss excuses.


Yea I think it would be better if this game actually provided challenge in very casual content so people couldn’t just afk Netflix through it so when they were then much more prepared to deal with the next layer of difficulty instead of coming here whining

Casual PvP is designed to give average players an experience of a 50/50 win-rate. This means you will inevitability lose matches by design. Whining about losing doesn’t make sense in this context, aside from the “feelsbad” element of your loss being something you could never win.

It’s like playing Hearthstone and whining about your opponent drawing good cards, lol. That’s just the nature of the beast, in fact part of the reason you play is that these type of situations happen.

If you object to the fundamental nature of casual PvP… play rated PvP. Or play PvE. Or play a different game. The casual PvP system is what it is and almost has to be what it is.

Just answer the question.

If you choose to engage in lowbie content, should you get a boss from content much higher?

Should someone who quests fight Mythic Denathrius on an epic questline??