I got Wintergrasp Defense back to back.
Lost both times.
I got Wintergrasp Defense back to back.
Lost both times.
That is what I suggested.
This isn’t the problem though. The problem is that there’s a hardcap for some, and not for others. And its excused because “well everyone has the same opportunity.” Sure, but not everyone can pay the cost. Instead of money we’re talking about time.
This guys a toxic troll.
It’s weird that you care how I spend my money. I also buy BOEs with RL money. It’s just loot to me, and I have no interest in raiding and never have. Please stop harassing me.
You’re not an elite player, but an average/mediocre player like most of us. Not sure what kind of validation you’re seeking. You seem delusional or very young.
That is the one exception: I don’t stay for wintergrasp offense, and only stay in defense if the timer is 15mins or less (same amount of time I’d get from leaver debuff). That place is boring as hell.
If you are only playing DDR with the Kyrians, you are at the ilvl you need to be to clear the open world.
Casual does not mean you are antisocial and antigroup btw. Casuals are doing M+, raiding, and pvping just fine.
Oh dude I’m def above average , but no not elite. But I actually play video games i buy instead of paying people to play them for me. And you the one that brought up honest playing which is just hilarious since you do the exact opposite
you’re a joke
Complete lies you’re casual if all you do is wq and lfr!!
You need to understand, when they say casual, they don’t mean “plays an hour or two a week”. As you said, people can advance their PvP rating just fine with that play-time and can do M+ content just fine.
They’re trying to use verbal trickery to confuse “doesn’t play a lot” and “terrible player”. They claim the majority of the player-base is casual - most players don’t play all that much - and then they try to trip you up by interchanging the use of the term casual to mean “terrible anti-social player”. Lots of people who play wow are casual, therefore Blizzard should add gear progression for casual players. It’s all sensible and logical except when they swap the meaning they’re trying to use agreement with the fact that many people play very little to defend giving terrible players free stuff.
It’s just this in essence - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motte-and-bailey_fallacy
All you can do is try to troll these guys because they’re not actually in here to rationally discuss. They just want stuff and they’ll do anything to get it.
Been seeing this a lot lately. It’s truly mind boggling.
They are literally insulting the actual casual playerbase
Because it’s often not about “hating” Mythic dungeons. And because players want to be able to progress their character rather than run up against walls that don’t move until many patches down the road, after which they’ll have a chance at some progress but ultimately find gap in gear and relative power even larger than before.
It’s a subjective position.
Says a group of people who didn’t read the OP. If this is the elite player base, I hope I never break 205. I’d rather keep my reading comprehension.
Don’t worry you wont🤣 that would require actually playing the content and heaven forbid you do that for upgrades.
This is about PVP.
The whole post is about PVP.
I’m not elite by any means. I enjoy the power progression this game has and has offered since it’s creation.
You can casually increase your power through many means with minimal effort. People however are choosing to stunt their progression.
This isn’t what the thread is about.
The thread is about people who choose to progress their gear in either PVP or PVE can then compete against players who do not.
You need to maximize your vers for PVP. Even at 200ilvl I was rocking about 23-24% vers.
This is the fastest Meta on record. You NEED a high amount of vers to survive.
So they are choosing to not progress their power? Participate in the content and you’ll compete with everyone else also participating.