How is this a troll thread? What part of this is me trolling?
I ask myself that question everyday and see myself quitting soon tbh if this all there is to offer.
I can see you would like better gear to combat more geared people in random battlegrounds, what if I told you that you could also get better gear by doing the linda of content those people with more gear also do? What if I told you that since you pay a monthly sub you to have access to all the content this game provides.
That doesn’t require effort.
More content is better. I don’t know how you’d argue against that.
“no u” but unironically.
You’re too greedy for the gear to be level-headed and rational about the impact on the whole as a whole and why you can’t just be given the gear for free.
Chalenging Solo PvE Content would be sick.
OP said he specifically doesn’t want to talk about PvE. He wants PvP gear from BGs and that’s his ultimatum. 220 gear for free or bust.
Irony quotes around time and effort are pretty cool, man. Assuming I’m a “solo” player is also pretty cool, man. Totally sweet, dude, making up a person so you can criticize what you imagine them to be.
Blizzard shouldn’t give me “everything I want” any more than they should give mythic raiders “everything they want”. What I want is a progression path. Doesn’t have to be the same as a rated PVPer’s progression path. Doesn’t have to be the same as a high-key or mythic raider’s progression path. I just want a continuous progression path.
And Blizzard actually gives me that. And I’m making sure they know I value that. And I’m making sure that the disgusting elitism of people who think their sub is worth more than mine is challenged.
Group content is “friends and freetime” as much as, if not more than, “time and effort”. People keep thinking that their social circles and their calendar is the same thing as their skill as a player. Guilds selling mythic carries explode that myth.
I agree with you here, but if you are actively ignoring the content already presented to you (m+, raiding, rated pvp) then you are being intellectually dishonest.
In case I actually have time to play with my guild. After all these years I still love them <3
Okay. Thanks for clearing up whatever point you aren’t making with your feigned indignation.
My main concern is the power gap in pvp but for pve i would just like a way to keep improving my gear without the need to raid. Or heck at the very least can i get some covenant jewelry, trinkets and a weapon to round out my ilvl?
I did run into a world quest that gave me a 203 item. Wish i saw more of that.
Do you think I’m someone else?
The only suggestion I’ve made was for LFG players to get gear more slowly than those who are willing to sit in the Group Finder UI.
Rated PVP is the progression path for PvP.
At least OP is honest that he’s a whining beggar. You just seem a bit confused as to what systems exist in the game.
Even if Blizzard added solo Q for 2s, that’s still a form of rated PvP. PvP progression is rating progression. That’s what it is. PvP progression, rated progression. Rated progression is PvP progression.
Your solution wouldn’t really work, because unrated gear will always suck compared to elite pvp gear. There needs to be power scaling of some sort in random bgs, and a ladder fix to get overgeared smurfs out of the lower ratings. Until they fix the ladder there’s really no way to ‘git gud’ from honest playing.
Honest playing thats funny coming from you
There’s no way to prove it but every time I go on a streak (4-5 wins) I get paired against a full team of 220s while my team is in blues.
Plus they have MMR for rated content, it’s only logical that they’re using an algorithm for random bgs/arenas as well.
As fascinating as I find myself, I’m not the topic of discussion. Also I’m not going to date you.
I mean this “wall” of being unable to progress your ilvl would happen at some point… having a buffer between causal content and the really difficult stuff gives those who actually want to work for their gear room for something to strive for. The difference in ilvl for a +15 versus playing causally is only 10 ilvls…
At ilvl 200, you can easily solo elites, the majority of old raids, etc. If you want to run old raids for tmogs that you can’t solo, make a group since there’s always people who want to run those.
Don’t devalue those who achieve things that deserve better rewards. I’m not one of those players, but I’m glad those who get the best stuff have their hard work rewarded because it’s something to strive for.
M+ is here for you. You can work your way up as slow as you want. You’ll still even get loot of you don’t time them.
I just find it so funny that someone who literally paid for a normal carry and admits to multiple carries in legion is talking about honest playing lmao thats some honest game play right there
Shoot you should buy a lottery ticket! I can’t even get 4 matches without ending up on Wintergrasp offense at least once!