Think about all the comments about “Chorgast” or “Snorghast”. Now imagine if you couldn’t finish Torghast on a character. If you had to literally do it every week or you were missing concretes amount of power. That would suck MASSIVELY.
This is what you’re asking for with constant gear progression. You’re asking to add a new chore for high end players to force them to do trivial meaningless content just because they have to, all because you think you need more gear. You don’t.
You absolutely do not. Your demand sucks fun out of the game while not adding fun. You’re just wrong. What you want is bad for the game. It’s really that simple.
Telling a player that they don’t get rewards because they don’t “need” them, when they are choosing to invest time in a game by participating in the game systems that were designed by the game developers, and when they are paying to participate in those systems, is an indicator of a deep, deep misunderstanding of what a game is and why a person would play it.
Please consider how unhelpful it is to tell a player, who spends time playing a game, that they don’t need rewards for their time and effort. Just consider that.
The entire concept of “need/deserve” needs a thorough re-examination by a hefty chunk of the playerbase, especially because if I manage to slowly scrape and struggle my way, by myself to a 207 ilvl, for instance, how does that affect the life of a mythic raider?
Players – even casual players, and even solo players – play RPGs for the feeling of growth and progression, and there’s no good-faith argument why they shouldn’t get that for their time, their effort, and their money.
Covenant gear is incredibly powerful compared to the absolute lack of effort required to obtain it.
Yea and this is an MMORPG.
If you come to wow 16 years after release without understanding that your time and effort in…whatever it is you are doing that doesn’t offer the rewards you want…maybe try the content that rewards you with the items you want.
If you aren’t doing group content, you aren’t expending any effort.
Between covenant gear and purchasable BOE gear on the AH, this entire argument is stupid.
The PVP gearing in SL is close to ideal. The best gear is obtainable through PVP activity alone. The problems are known and fixable (boosts and insane power differential between unrated and highest tier). The “rich get richer” (terrible) design wouldn’t be the huge problem it is if it weren’t for the differential. The last fix needs to be ilvl scaling in random bgs.
I understand that but its also that carrot on the stick. They want to progress in the raid for the better gear.
A pvpr for example will keep pvping when they hit max ilvl. You see raiders on the other hand raiding less and less once they hit max. Once that carrot is gone that raiding drive depletes and people mostly continue for their guildmates and guild.
A solo pver or non raider shouldn’t be hit with a gear wall without needing to raid as the main goal in wow for everyone is better and cooler looking gear. They should instead offer other incentives for raiders to stick out.
It sounds like what you want is not more gear, you really want to have less gear and have your gear drip-fed to you. If you were ilvl 180 right now and still could look forward to gearing up to 197, you’d probably be happier. Blizard rushed the Covenant gear system and now people who haven’t done any content have gear about as good at M7 gear.
Instead of the Covenant campaign giving you one piece of gear and one upgrade rank per week, perhaps Blizzard should have alternated between 1 piece of gear 1 week, and 1 new upgrade rank the next week, to draw out the process? That probably would have been more fun for you to engage the system over a longer period of time.
I disagree with your entire concept of “lack of effort.” My time matters, and my investment of time in the game is meaningful. I don’t pay you for my game time. I pay Blizzard. And I’m making public arguments for why gear and power progression matters for everyone and not just for people in the top slice of content.
Don’t try to tell me that the time I invest in WoW is a lack effort. You don’t have the information or the standing to tell me that.
My “demand” is for their to be gear progression for non raiders that they can do without raiding. Its that simple. It has 0 impact in what a raider wants to do. You can keep on raiding for the “fun” of it.
What’s stupid is your insistence that if I’m not doing group content, I’m not expending any effort. That’s something you seem to believe, but it’s something you really can’t prove or just proclaim as if it’s truth. Time is effort. Persistence is effort. Completing quests and doing dailies is effort. Even doing LFR is effort – in some ways, more effort than a more organized raid.
You’ll never, ever convince me that the time and persistence I put into my WoW play isn’t effort, and it’s an indictment of your own prejudices that you would even try.
Maybe the problem is your expectation. If you think your reward/effort (actual effort not the stuff the troll above me is flapping around about) is out of balance and you aren’t having fun—
I don’t really think it’s bad for solo gear to top out where it does now. That’s still high enough that nothing on the open world is a risk to you outside of a few rare elites. If anything they could dial down the scaling on mobs to make it feel better. As it currently stands you can get over normal raid ilevel pretty easy on your own.