As a Nelf MM Hunter BfG is fun. Deepwind Gorge on the other hand…
As a DPS I enjoy it more. But as a consistent healer, either I hold the node and call incs. Or I get yelled at for not healing the DPS on the road fighting. I absolutely loathe that map.
Also the DPS are braindead.
Why do they have to be tryhards because they enjoy random BGs, but also have good gear?
Seems like ilevel brackets are a better fix for your complaint.
That suggestion has been made so many times…If they haven’t put it in yet, I don’t know that they want to. The rewards change frequently enough.
Because queue times would go up drastically for people who are in the upper echelons of ilvl, and even if there were brackets you’d still find people who’d min-max to stomp in it.
PvPers asked for it to be this way.
Blizzard has done expansions before where PvP used flat scaling to make everyone equal and players hated it. The PvP community asked for gear to matter and for gear tiers. Don’t get mad at Blizzard for doing what the community wanted.
Here’s the simple truth - WoW is an MMORPG. The idea of a perfectly leveling playing field is not really compatible with it completely to be quite frank. If you are bad at this game and cannot earn the gear, you will be at a disadvantage.
And yes, I did say bad. “Casual” is not a thing in PvP. You can casually do 2s for a few hours a week and advance through the PvP system. You’re not casual, you’re just bad.
I am one of the pve players that do nothing aside from pve. I also do not do dungeons, raids, or anything really that requires a group. Most of the time I cannot do any of those things or pvp because I cannot sit still that long, for two reasons. First, my 2 year old lol. Second, I have hardcore anxiety (and other stuff) so I get up and pace back and forth through my home a lot lol - been worse lately without medicine.
To answer the question though, I, like anyone else, enjoys being able to kill mobs, do world quests, and other things quicker by earning a higher item level. I understand the whole argument “well you didn’t do mythic dungeons or raids so you don’t deserve it.”
Here is the facts. Blizzard already fixed this but not to the extent of item level 200+, through covenant renown, earning higher item level world quest rewards as you progress through renown levels. The best part about this is that it is time gated, therefore the “elite” and hardcore players cannot complain since they had access to the highest item level gear from the beginning (well close to) while people like me had to wait until I earned the highest item level rewards from world quest, item level 194.
The simple fix is to just add one or two more world quest upgrades at like 36 renown and 40 renown or something to allow players like me to reach item level 207, then 220 @ 40 renown. At this point, 9.0.5 comes out shortly after and it resets us all with new raid bosses, maybe zones, etc., but doesn’t take away from all of our abilities to complete world objectives quicker AND to not feel so weak going into new content because we didn’t have the ability or luxury to put 10-20 hours a week into end-game content.
I can’t answer for the person you replied to but I can answer for myself.
I’ve been there, tried that. Lots of people say X or Y is a better single player game than WoW. I disagree.
Over my 16 year WoW career I have tried Skyrim, Oblivion, Mass Effect, Bioshock, Doom, Fallout, Baldurs Gate, Dragon Age, and every other single player and multiplayer MMO you can think of.
The fact of the matter, that WoW, even with all its flaws, is still a very, very good single player experience. One can only be the dragon king so many times in Skyrim but WoW is (in theory at least) always evolving and adding.
They really need an official single player end game path. Way too many people play WoW this way already for them to continue ignoring it.
A lot of Casual-tier players say they, “need”, to have the same gear as, Elite-tier players, but it boils down to them just being greedy, and feeling entitled to the same gear w/o doing any of the required content to get said gear.
Because most Casual-tier players are doing things like, Norm/Heroic Dungeons, the lower-levels of Torghast, World-Quests, Covenant content, Old Raids/Dungeons for Mogs/Mounts/Toys/Pets, and maybe Low-ranked Arenas/BGs.
All the above is completely achieved with 194 to 197 iLvl gear, but, that’s not good enough for them, they want the 226 iLvl tier gear, because you know, it’s there so why not, right? But again, they don’t want to do the high keys, they don’t want to do the raiding for it, they want it, for free, with no challenge or effort on their part.
And finally what really gets me, is the fact that the, “Well why do you care what other players have as gear.” argument exists, like, they’re too stuck on themselves to see how ironic that statement is.
I say they should give it a try… won’t know the real impact until it’s given a try.
They’re paying 15$ a month, that means they get everything they want NOW. Wait, it doesn’t? REEE.
As a solo player i want better gear for two reasons.
As mentioned for battleground so I dont get deleted by the ilvl200+ guys.
I want gear progression even if I don’t raid. In a game like wow gear is the end all be all and I’d still like to work on upgrading my gear as an activity.
Frankly this says more about the raiding system than anything. I get the impression people raid for the gear not the other way around and because of that raiders worry that if there are other means to obtain gear there will be less people raiding therefore lowering the raiding pool of players. Or their own drive for raiding will go away if there are alternative means for good gear.
If i could ask foe some change in this game it would be that there was a solo queue for rated bgs i could just jump into. Or heck make a 1 v 1 queue. Or just give out more conquest pts on regular bgs and get rid of that silly system where you have to be a certain rank to upgrade pvp gear. You can still offer high rank players other incentives like mounts, pets, transmogs, etc.
Heck now that i think about it why not offer more additional titles, mounts, etc for raiders too and move away from “the best loot is here only” system.
To make it easier to gank mythic raiders in wpvp.
I honestly think that the covenant gear and WQ is too high of ilvl. It’s already 3 points away from normal raiding, 10 points above LFR, 13 points above M0. Point being is they have no where to go or to advance if they don’t do any of the “hardcore” content.
If you hit Honor cap you can be ilvl 161 10 minutes after hitting 60 which completely negates normal dungeons.
During Legion the gear was soooooo good and so powerful I was soloing Mythic Legion dungeons while they were current.
I miss that so much.
You want higher gear so you can be more effective in BGs. Raiders want it to do the same in raids.
That’s matchmaking, if you’re winning every bg you’re gonna be progressively put against better players.
I want better gear for the same reason everyone wants better gear: to make the content I do continually easier, to feel like I’m progressing. If progression stops, there’s no point to keep playing.
I’m not asking for the same gear raiders get. But something more than covenant gear (ilvl 207?) can keep the progress going until the next “season”.
Covenants already give the same ilvl that drops from normal Nathria, WQs are just 3 ilvls below that.
This thread.
We really needed it again.
Dear Blizz-please send these people a mailbox full of 226 gear so they don’t have to eat in the maw for the whole entire one time they will ever go there.
Also, so they can solo old content.
Also, because they think gear is why they get smoked in random bgs.
Also because “SOLo pLaYErS aRE tHe MajORiTY!!!1one!”