"Why do you need better gear if you're a casual?"


This line is confusing. Raids have been ‘doable’ with lower item levels at all points in any given content patch when current. Not sure what point you’re making here.

I have a pretty good IO and I’ve been waiting for an invite for a while whilst browsing the forums. It ain’t as easy as you make it sound =p

Less so with people who start grinding that stuff. Having to grind out a score to just get into groups is sorta annoying.

People say only people who do this type of content deserve good gear… when in the past it has been much more lax, and or have solo gearing options that were competitive. Warfronts even gave heroic gear. And titanforging made it possible to just play the game and get a lucky drop sometimes (rarely).

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3 item levels is like 1 primary stat and 3 stamina. It’s not a noticeable difference. If you’re going to win in pvp, 3 item levels isn’t going to make you lose.

So you want a return to the two worst systems Blizz ever implemented?

No. People are saying that implementing systems that reward gear that trivializes group content that has made WoW so successful for so long is a bad idea. No one is saying you can’t have gear.

They’re saying that you have to engage in the content to get that gear. You aren’t really providing any examples of anything other than ‘I cleared Mage Tower 30 years ago so I know what constitutes difficulty in this game so therefore I should get what I want by doing quests.’

Sounds like how the raiders did work to gear up, farm consumables, and learn the encounters by wiping a bunch. While the WQ guy floated on an umbrella for 30 seconds a day.

They’re fine if people can get past being pedantic and understand “work” as it relates to the topic.

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Check out the other threads I have posted in. I have stated stuff like having no cap to ilvl 220 for valor, make torgast award loot with stuff like mask runs award something in the weekly chest so solo players can have something and progress with mask runs, or more twisting corridor layers, and just plainly let casuals gear up and upgrade their world quest stuff with valor, since they will take longer to do it anyway. As of now it’s just waiting for 9.1 for solo players. Group content could also be done, but blizz shouldn’t lock out casuals from the ilvl upgrades. max iLvl progression shouldn’t just be in group content. Especially when casual pvp modes for example will have up to 20-26 ilvl difference between people who grind other game modes.

This is the crux of where your argument falls apart. This is an MMO. Not a single player game. The max ilvl progression has always been locked behind group content, as it should be.

This is the dumbest example you could give. You are doing group content here, you’re just upset that you’re getting squished by people who do more content than you do. That is 100% fair, as that’s how WoW has always worked.

You aren’t losing due to gear though, I promise. You’re losing because you suck, your team sucks, and random bgs in general suck.

As an aside, those same people who are stomping you in bgs are getting stomped in bgs also. I’m glad to finally understand what you’re on about though.

You’re mad because random bgs have people in them with better gear than you. That’s fine, it’s how it should be. Nothing else to see here.

Raiders haven’t put that much time into anything since the invention of DBM and you tube.
Those “hours” are spent in discord discussing memes until people decide to finally attack the boss.
So, don’t try and glorify the raiding circuit.
I’ve been there, I’ve done it. Stopped in Mop.
Everyone farms consumables if they can, that’s not exclusive either. They are great for world combat as well.
The raid scene is easy these days. Between Beta testing, months of ptr testing, add-ons like DBM and “step by step” how too’s on you tube, it’s really a trivial as any world quest I might be doing.
Sure it takes a couple wipes to get the timing right, but who doesn’t wipe on occasion.

Having said all that, I’m not trying to say you shouldn’t have the reward for doing said content. You again are choosing another path.
The path I would want is in the over world. I don’t care if the quest chains are long or short. I don’t care if the gear is multiple stage upgrade to get to the max ilevel. I ultimately want it to be fun and not raiding, dungeons or pvp.


Yeah, sounds like you’re in a great place to be the authority on what’s happening now. :roll_eyes:

Thank you for the troll post.
I will bid you farewell at this time and hope your adventures are great.

Yep. That’s literally all anyone who raids does. We also sit in discord and talk about people who just do quests and cry about gear and think of ways we can keep them from obtaining said gear.

Yep. You just told us what happens, so this is clearly 100% accurate. Nothing else to see here folks. Peppatrix says raiding is easy so their world quest rewards should be in line with easy to obtain only memers get them raid rewards.

Because MoP.

Yea, you’re also the authority on troll posts.

What makes you assume that loot is trivialized because there are multiple ways to achieve it? How does me getting the loot weeks later through reputation somehow undo your accomplishment of getting it quicker with a boss?

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Your assumption that time=/=reward is the underlying issue that I take umbrage with.

Why should the game’s formula be changed to accomodate you, who refuses to do the content in order to gear up?

We are coming back full circle with people who think that just because they are logged in, they get gear.

This isn’t an issue of ‘I accomplished this and you didn’t so you can’t have stuff.’ Gear is icing on the cake with doing content. It’s actually progressing the content that I care about. The fact that I get the gear that goes along with that is great and as it should be.

I am not refusing to do content; I am asking for alternative ways of receiving gear. I disagree with Mythic + and raiding being the only productive paths of progression in this expansion. I think that there are large populations of players who would like to have the same opportunities for gear outside of the “traditional” paths. The compromise is that we recognize that it takes less coordination, therefore we are okay with waiting the extra time.

This is a false narrative that is continually pushed by the forums. No one is asking for gear for logging in. I very clearly stated that I would be working for my gear through other methods, such as reputation, world quests, world bosses, rare quests, anima, and more. That is not an effortless task.

If it’s not, then why not give everyone the opportunity to gear through a way that they feel comfortable with?

That’s fine and I support you in this. I just disagree with the idea, as said above, that Mythic+ and raiding is the only content to progress through. There are so many options that Blizzard can take to add multiple ways of progressing through content, but they don’t.

Exactly. And so should casuals, who will progress at a much slower pace (and more comfortable pace), but they will still get the loot that they earned.

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You are refusing to do content by expecting a hand out from doing world quests and avoiding group content. It’s as simple as that.

I think that there is an even larger swath of the population who doesn’t want to see the traditional way the game is meant to be played harmed by doing what you want. There are a lot of people who do in fact raid and m+ for gear, and would be less incentivized to do so if they could just get the gear from playing flappy birds in Bastion.

Yea you are. There is absolutely no effort expended in the activities you mentioned. Those are afk chores and nothing more. I do agree that they are tedious and incredibly boring. I’m thankful that nothing meaningful is tied to them so I don’t have to do them. In fact, if I had to do that in order to maintain my playstyle in raid and m+, I wouldn’t. Because the crap is boring and requires nothing other than time.

Right, because the options you want to see added are absolutely detrimental to the game. They are right not to add these ‘options.’

You get your covenant gear. If you took the time to farm items to sell on the AH, you can even buy big shiny 226 BOE’s.

These things are far more valuable than the effort expended to acquire them suggest they should be.

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Questing content is already reduced in difficulty as you gear up to 170 > 180 > 190 ilvl etc., get a legendary, get a world boss drop, etc.

It’s just that World content is not tuned to a higher difficulty that would award much higher ilvl gear.

I’m really not sure why people think they should keep getting 200, 210, 220 ilvl gear from continually doing content that a person at 160 ilvl can do.

9.1 is already leaked. Seems like their is torgast sets to farm. Hopefully they will be solo gear too.

How is doing the world quests expecting a handout? You are agreeing with me that I would be doing content for gear.

I guess we just disagree here. I think that the traditional way of funneling players into Mythics or raids is archaic and outdated, and I think there are a lot of players who can’t afford to dedicate that much time each week who would still be willing to work for gear with alternative ways of obtaining gear.

That’s on them. Blizzard opening up new ways to obtain higher level gear would be good for the community, and perhaps people who dislike Mythics already but do them out of forced necessity would appreciate new paths of progression. Just because it’s your preferred path doesn’t mean it’s everyone’s preferred path.

I disagree.

I find dungeons to be tedious and boring. But that’s the cool thing about the game; there are different play styles. Right now, only one play style is being rewarded so heavily.

Can you explain how obtaining gear through reputation, world quests, covenant sanctums, and anima would be detrimental? How would that damage the community as a whole if more players had more paths of obtaining good gear? Wouldn’t that actually be beneficial, alt friendly, and encourage new players to join WoW?

So you’re recommending I buy the gear instead of work for it? How is that even better? Your entire argument is founded on the idea that players should have to work for their gear, but when I offer alternative ways to work for gear, you just tell me to buy the gear?

I didn’t realize purchasing gear with gold took effort.

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