Good to know! I had no idea after 16 years. Wtf some trolls.
Wrong genre. Sorry. Fighting games are that way. =======>
No, the trolls are the people who think they are going to get better than the current minimum for any content patch for just questing then coming here to general discussion with gear demands while refusing to do any actual content the game has to offer.
Literally raids are only hard because everyone needs to be onboard and do the right thing. Gear makes it need less people to do so thus increasing ilvl decreases difficulty. Acting like only raiders should decrease the difficulty of the content they do is ridulous. And the working arguement is also silly since you can put more hours to make the same money, or invest your money in other income sources to get it back (like stocks…)
You get normal raid gear from covenants. Highest casual gear ever at an expansion launch. They listened… and you want more.
Yea. Executing mechanics and improving gameplay is how raiders decrease the difficulty of a raid.
Yea. Gear doesn’t save anyone from failing to do mechanics. Ever.
Real life comparisons don’t fit a video game.
Which you know full well.
Real life has many layers to that “time” question, doesn’t it? Working at that store for 5 hours isn’t the remote same as that surgeon doing all that education and time spent in learning in the OR.
So, you are just being obtuse with a game comparison.
My dungeons and dragons comparison is more on par. Since you know they both games and have similar game play.
That being said, since you don’t want to actually discuss anything pertinent, I’ll say farewell to you and happy trails.
Normal is flexible raid loot. >.> wrath had you getting what today is known as heroic raiding loot by just doing a daily dungeon. And Visions had us getting heroic raid loot of 5 mask runs . So it sorta is a downgrade to the last patch. Meaning people who don’t do group content will have to wait for 9.1 for upgrades.
That’s all well and good then, as the game has always rewarded players for doing group content in the most significant way.
Yall act like group content is the hardest thing in game. It’s probably harder to find the right people and basically makes it easier to pick the best people for your groups = easy mode.
Sorry, they’re 197. Close enough.
The point still stands.
lol as opposed to what? What’s harder than group content? Quest mobs and stuff? Come on now. You’re trolling.
You have to go back to Wrath to be happy? I get it, you want to skip the time others put in, you feel unworthy of such pleb work, I understand.
But now you need to get this, those people did the work you don’t want to. Now you want them to welcome you with open arms… Doesn’t make sense right?
How many mage tower skins did you get?
Oh. Here we go.
I didn’t play in Legion, but have played with many people who did who have the rewards.
These are the same people who can’t time keys or clear heroic Nathria. Had I played in Legion, I have no doubt in my mind I would have had no issues in the Mage Tower.
I solo cleared TC week one of release, so I guess that is the only comparison I have; and yours is a really weak one tbh.
Good point, but you’re dead wrong that it’s not valid in PvE. If you bother to read any of the actual responses in those threads, which of course almost no one does in a rush to express their own opinions, there’s a lot of heartfelt things being said that are worth paying attention to.
Casuals may not need the BEST gear, they just need to feel like they can earn some kind of improvement wherever they currently stand. They’re not wrong for feeling that way - improving your character is the basic premise of an RPG, and without the ability to improve, folks will lose interest.
You’re right. They aren’t wrong for feeling that way. They are wrong for feeling that just because they refuse to do the content as presented them in order to gear up, they should be given some sort of prize for just being online.
Get real dude. Do stuff. Get gear. The end.
I got all the mage tower skins for all specs… all through solo play. Raids are doable with lower item lvl then what is needed in 9.0.5 or the mythic plus upgrades are doable with the ilvl we have now. They are basically nerfing the content for people who do that stuff with that ilvl. And the way to get into groups is farming… I have played this game long enough to know it’s an endless grind anyway.
Missed the timer by 3 seconds…eh close enough right?
And they can, by starting their own keys and groups.
There is no gatekeeping there, and that’s it. You need the initiative and that’s not going to happen when they just hand you gear. It alienates those who put in the time and effort. You’ll get catch up gear at patch.
I am casual and I am telling you handing out everything like you want will kill this game. Progression has been here since it’s inception and they aren’t going to change for people who can’t be bothered to consume the content put forth.