"Why do you need better gear if you're a casual?"

I suppose it could be phrased in a way to omit using the word “need”.

“World content is tuned such that players who have not participated in group content are able to overcome all challenges”

Who says you play more? You play differently is all. You’ve picked another avenue to enjoy the game.
Your time invested is the exact same value as my own.
Take a step back and look at a bigger picture.
Its a game, we all have paid for the pleasure to enjoy it how we can.
Whether or not your method is perceived to be harder or easier isn’t an issue. That’s the level you enjoy. Therefore do it.
Myself, I just would enjoy another path to the same rewards. There’s nothing wrong with many paths.

There are many paths. It’s just that you have decided that questing should give rewards on par with the hardest content in the game.

Yep, and you’ll receive the rewards based on how you enjoy it.

I’ve said my piece.
There’s obviously no discussion with you, because mainly you don’t want to see a bigger picture, which is fine.
I can’t reiterate what I’ve said before, as it would just be circular in its discussion.
You have my thoughts on it and now I have yours, which do reflect a certain mentality that I have zero interest in trying to overturn.
Thank you for your time though and happy trails.

series of question marks

if you play less youll get less, and whining about it makes one look extremely entitled.

thats just how it is in my book.

i wish i was a millionaire , but i chose to put priorities elsewhere… it’d be weird if i started whining that im not a millionaire.

Umm no they don’t.

Nah. There’s no discussion with me because I won’t agree to the fact that changing the fundamental design philosophy of WoW is anything other than a terrible idea.

You should not have to do higher content to keep up in lower content. Thus you should not have to do rated pvp or raid or M+ to have the best gear in unrated pvp.

That’s obviously fair, but the entitled dragon slayers think they deserve to delete unrated pvpers as an additional reward for doing the “correct” content, when in fact they don’t.

You want to use your higher end gear in pvp, go do rated.


Who’s crying about anything?
I gave an opinion and suggestion on what would be fun to at least myself, I’m fairly sure that there are others that agree with the idea of various paths to the same end.
This is the second time the accusation of someone like myself playing less. That’s not necessarily true, I mean it can be, but it’s not necessarily true.
Your 4-5 hours in a raid are as important to you as my 4-5 hours in the open world doing quests.
You are enjoying the game the way you want to. Which is great.
I’m enjoying it in another way - time isn’t a factor.
I just encourage that you take a step back and look at how different things can be with more options and different paths to goals.

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I totally agree. Personally I would like a toggle for templates for random Battle grounds. I have every class at 50 and two at 60, but it is not possible for me to get them all well geared. I have fun trying out different classes in battle grounds, doesn’t ever get old as long as I don’t lose 5 in row, or something like that. I don’t like the mandatory second career in wow, but would love to maintain a sub just for this if possible. I am working slowly on my two 60s and one is doing battlegrounds along with a bit of M+.

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Unrated PVP having ilevel brackets is the easy way to address this.

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Except this runs counter to the way it has always been. Just because you aren’t good enough to do content that rewards good gear doesn’t mean that the people who do ought to be punished for your decision making process.

It isn’t gear that’s making you lose in random bgs though.

I think casuals have every right to ask for progression outside of Mythic+ and raiding, while recognizing that it’ll take 5-7 times longer to obtain (still lesser) gear. No one is asking for “free gear”, and if they are, they don’t represent the casual community.

I’d love to see 210 gear drop from Exalted caches, or be available through anima grinds / reputation grinds. Perhaps even some rare world quest drops. Still obtainable, while acknowledging that because we are casual, it’ll take us a bit longer.

That’s the compromise. That’s not an unreasonable request.


So because you want to just quest…Normal Nathria loot ought to be trivialized?

Ha. Okay. So people who do content have to sit in ridiculously long queues so you can fight people with bad gear and still lose? Nah. Just play and get the gear.

If they are like me, they enjoy the interaction of real players around them. NPCs are usually boring. I can’t commit to a raid night due to RL. I’m lucky to get one low M+ in every other week. I also like to PVP. No one that plays wow is looking for a single players game, we just don’t want to be forced to rely on others for a big part of our progress.

Imagine that!

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Hey, it’s an MMO!

so i should be making as much money working 5 hours at tim hortons as i would working 5 hours on some surgery?

idk i feel like were on different pages. lets just agree to disagree :slight_smile:

Well I know why I want better gear. Because it gives a sense of progression. My character gets more powerful, and I feel some sense of accomplishment. I don’t need mythic raider gear, but getting gear from WQs that’s outdated already isn’t the greatest feeling.

That’s like saying no one deserves a raise but the surgeons? I would compare raids more like dancers. You can have a whole show or dance yourself. Your success shouldn’t be tied to other dancers. Everyone has their own performance and some shine by themselves.

This is disengenuous at best. Firstly if it takes you 4 hrs to complete WQ you aren’t doing it right, at all, like what are you doing afking for 3 hrs?

The mechanics and difficulty just aren’t there, and I know you understand that. You don’t deserve gear just for being online. I am like you not raiding or doing mythics and I am just fine.

I am you, and I think this is silly. How’s that?